
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:59:45


In order to deliver food and medicine miners,rescue workers also designed a called "Prynne Dove" rescue equipment.This is a 5 inch (collectively 12.7 cm) long,hollow cylinder,the working principle similar to the pneumatic tube.Rescue workers to "Prynne Dove" is loaded with supplies,then sent to the miners through the ventilation pipe shelter.

In order to transport food and medicines, miners, rescue workers also designed a named

In order to give miners carrying food and drug, rescuers designed an named "Hester prynne pigeon" rescue equipment. This is a root 5 inches ($1.27 cm) long hollow cylinder, working principle is simila...


In order to give miners carrying food and drug, rescuers designed an named "Hester prynne pigeon" rescue equipment. This is a root 5 inches ($1.27 cm) long hollow cylinder, working principle is similar to pneumatic catheter. Rescue workers to "Hester prynne pigeons" load, and then through ventilation tube supplies to miners shelter.


In order to deliver food and medicine to miners, rescue workers also designed an enquipment called "Prynne Dove", which is a 5 inch ( 12.7 cm) long hollow cylinder, whose working principle is similar...


In order to deliver food and medicine to miners, rescue workers also designed an enquipment called "Prynne Dove", which is a 5 inch ( 12.7 cm) long hollow cylinder, whose working principle is similar to the pneumatic tube. Rescue workers loaded the "Prynne Dove" with supplies, then sent them to the miners through the ventilation tube shelter.


英语翻译为了给矿工运送食品和药品,营救人员还设计了一种名叫“白兰鸽”的救援器材.这是一根5英寸(合12.7厘米)长的空心圆柱,工作原理类似于气动导管.救援人员向“白兰鸽”中装入补给 英语翻译:被困在煤矿里两天的矿工们最后得到了营救.(mine;miner;rescue) 修改病句:全国各地给灾区人民运去了大批的药品、食品、面包和衣服. 二氧化硅加入食品和药品里面有什么作用? 给酸性食品和碱性食品下定义 我们今天把药品和食物空运给被洪水围困的市民 用英语翻译 夏天温度高,药品需要保存在2-10℃,请问该如何运送,有 知道 的 麻烦给我 某运输公司的20辆汽车运送药品,食品,帐篷共200吨到汶川灾区,每辆车只能装运同一种物资且必须装满.物资 药品 食品 帐篷每辆车运载量/吨 8 10 12每吨货物运输所用/百元 8 7 61.若装运药品的车 英语翻译1.裁判把奖金颁给赢得比赛的自行车选手,并向他祝贺.2.那本书的标题是:“葬身海底的船只”.3.被困在煤矿里两天的矿工最后得到了营救.4.记者意识到女孩很害怕,而且尽力的回避问 英语翻译1裁判把奖金颁给赢得比赛的自行车选手,并向他祝贺.(judge,congratulation,cyclist)2那本书的标题是:“葬身海底的船只”(title,bury,buttom)3被困在煤矿里两天的矿工们最后得到了营救.(mi 有哪些和细菌,真菌有关的食品与药品.我们上课要用的 常用来制造食品和药品包装袋的是什么化学物 常用来制造食品和药品包装袋的高分子化合物 (结构简式 ) 动物之间为了营救自己的孩子的简单故事? 简单英文翻译ClopinTrouillefou等人营救Esmeralda当Clopin Trouillefou得知这Esmeralda藏身于圣母院这个消息后,随即率领成千上万的人前来营救Esmeralda!而不明真相的Quasimodo为了保护心爱的Esmeralda,他不惜 营救卫星有什么特点和功能 营救卫星的特点和本领 营救卫星的样子和特点