英语问题!各位高手帮个忙!SOS!~1.There were many parents in the h____ before the parent meeting. 2.My brother p____ the piano every day for the coming concert. 3.Could you speak more l_____ ?I can't hear you clearly. 句型转换. 4.The old

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 19:55:08

英语问题!各位高手帮个忙!SOS!~1.There were many parents in the h____ before the parent meeting. 2.My brother p____ the piano every day for the coming concert. 3.Could you speak more l_____ ?I can't hear you clearly. 句型转换. 4.The old
1.There were many parents in the h____ before the parent meeting.
2.My brother p____ the piano every day for the coming concert.
3.Could you speak more l_____ ?I can't hear you clearly.
4.The old woman often walks her dog after dinner.(改为同义句)
5.Tom has to learn the piano on sundays.(改为一般疑问句)
6.He plays for (the national) team. 括号内部分进行提问.
7.Let's give them our best wishes.(改为同义句)
8.There are 11 plays in a football team.(改为同义句)
9.The boy in a red coat looks like a girl. (改为同义句)
10.They spent( a year) teaching English in China.(对括号内部分提问)
11.They celebrate Spring Festival( by having a big meal.)对括号内部分进行提问.
12.These flowers are for (you.) 对括号内部分提问)
13.She and the cat can fly with a broomstick.(改为一般疑问句)

英语问题!各位高手帮个忙!SOS!~1.There were many parents in the h____ before the parent meeting. 2.My brother p____ the piano every day for the coming concert. 3.Could you speak more l_____ ?I can't hear you clearly. 句型转换. 4.The old
1 hall
2 plays
3 loud
5 Does Tom have to learn the piano on sundays?
6 what does he play team?
10 How long did they spend teaching English in China?
11 how do they celebrate Spring Festival?

英语问题!各位高手帮个忙!SOS!~1.There were many parents in the h____ before the parent meeting. 2.My brother p____ the piano every day for the coming concert. 3.Could you speak more l_____ ?I can't hear you clearly. 句型转换. 4.The old 英语.sos 初二英语问题sos!高手请进哪里错了顺便帮忙解释一下wear和dress的区别最后一题怎么做 英语翻译麻烦各位英语高手`````` 各位数学高手们:一道行程问题 英语翻译求英语高手翻译”锦绣东方“~sos~顺便再翻译一句”锦绣生活“ 英语高手,请进,SOS,今晚就要..!以MY favourite 为题,写一篇短文‘‘ 求一枚英语高手,解答问题 请问各位英语高手如何写memo? 请各位英语高手帮忙填空 SOS!参数设置英语怎么说~ 吸油烟机 英语各位英语高手 吸油烟机用英语怎么说?~ 与同事友好相处 英语作文1.与同事友好相处的重要性;2.怎样才能与同事友好相处;3.你的看法.请各位英语高手帮忙写一篇200字的关于此问题的作文.急 求高手想一篇英语作文(是初中生的)怎样解决生活中的问题 字数:60词以上是英语作文英语作文!各位大侠不要看错~ SOS!兴趣爱好短语及单词总结(英语)回一楼的第三个问题:是 关于电镀起泡的问题,请各位高手支招. sos!找个英语高手 口语要好 会基本的交谈 偶急需找人练口语菜鸟请绕路走 问下各位高手一个英语问题……学语法和单词有什么好方法吗? 我的英语这两块是弱点……