5句根据答句写句子(五年级水平)(1)______________________________________________________? yes,l like my days at school.(2)______________________________________________________? No,they don’t have a picnic every week.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:13:45

5句根据答句写句子(五年级水平)(1)______________________________________________________? yes,l like my days at school.(2)______________________________________________________? No,they don’t have a picnic every week.
yes,l like my days at school.
No,they don’t have a picnic every week.
There are seven classes every day.
No.This is my timetable for friday.
We have our lunch at a quarter to twelve.

5句根据答句写句子(五年级水平)(1)______________________________________________________? yes,l like my days at school.(2)______________________________________________________? No,they don’t have a picnic every week.
Do you like your days at school?
Do they have a picnic every week?
How many classes are there erery day?
Is this your timetable for monday?
What time do your family have lunch?

Do you like your days in school.do they have a picnic every week.how many classes are there in your school .is this your timetable for thursday.when do we have our lunch.

1 Do you like your days at school?
2 Do they have a picnic every week?
3 Are there seven classes every day?
4 Is This your timetable for friday?
5 Have we lunch at a quarter to twelve?

1,Do you like your days at school?
2,Do they have a picnic once a week?
3,How many classes they have every day?
4,Is this your timetable today?
5,When do you have lunch?

5句根据答句写句子(五年级水平)(1)______________________________________________________? yes,l like my days at school.(2)______________________________________________________? No,they don’t have a picnic every week. > 说说下面句子使用了哪几种修辞手法_语文五年级下册:比喻句专项练习题 小学五年级水平的句子、词语.谚语、楹联、名人名言、歇后语(各两句);拟人句、比喻句、夸张句、排比句(各两句);描写雷、电、风、雨的句子(各一句);描写神态、心情的词语( 五年级窃读记读书如饥似渴的句子(5句).可以写的最好写出来~ 转述句(五年级) 根据中文提示,完成下列句子.每空限填一词I want to buy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (空中填 1千克鱼和半千克猪肉)Please give him _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(空中填 3箱苹果和一袋梨连词成句I,Bill,students,high,are,Sam,school,all,an 用英语介绍朋友小学五年级水平(6句以上) 求三人英语短剧(小学三四年级水平),每个人台词尽量不要超过五句, 从坚定、绝望、叹息、悲痛、幸福这些词中选2个词造句(用五年级水平造句)用2个词语造1个句子 写一篇介绍我是怎么样度过暑假的英语作文(不少于6句)五年级水平 用英语介绍一项体育运动,六句~十句就够了!(不是文章,五年级水平最好带译文!) 根据首字母提示,把英语填空句填写完整(小学五年级)What c____ are you in? 用 There are 造10个句子?五年级水平 五年级运动会有感作文(400字以上)要以五年级水平写 写事作文三篇,五年级水平,(500字以上).要五年级的!!! 五年级英语作文关于春节(不少于五句) 温暖(气候不冷不热)造句五年级水平 寒假英语日记(五年级水平)今天就要