请帮我做几道英语题,说明一下理由7.the young people lived and worked( )the worker A.between B.among C.in D.at8.jack began to do his homework as soon as be ( )home A.came to B.reached C.arrived

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:13:31

请帮我做几道英语题,说明一下理由7.the young people lived and worked( )the worker A.between B.among C.in D.at8.jack began to do his homework as soon as be ( )home A.came to B.reached C.arrived
7.the young people lived and worked( )the
A.between B.among
C.in D.at
8.jack began to do his homework as soon as be
( )home
A.came to B.reached
C.arrived at D.got to
9.they ( )the Great Wall yesterday ,and this is their first( )the Great Wall
A.visited,visit B.visit ,visit
C.visit,visit to D.visited ,visit to

请帮我做几道英语题,说明一下理由7.the young people lived and worked( )the worker A.between B.among C.in D.at8.jack began to do his homework as soon as be ( )home A.came to B.reached C.arrived
B,B,D(后者是名词the visit to someplace)

b among在。。中间,在工人中间
b home前不能加介词,它自己是副词

什么啊 第一题就有问题,如果确实是WORKER的话 AB肯定排除,难道WORKER还有除了劳工以为的意思?

B。不加介词,reached可以等同于come to。。。
D。yesterday就表明时态:只能是过去时。于是visited。后面一个visit是名 词,但不能直接接另一个名词the Great Wall 啊,于是用to作为方向介词。

请帮我解一下这道题.并说明一下理由.帮我解释一下.谢谢 帮我判断一下,说明理由最好, 49题,帮一下,说明理由,谢谢 帮我改下这句英语错误的地方Life for Cathy Taylor's three children is very busy. 哪里错?请说明一下理由? 请帮我做几道英语题,说明一下理由7.the young people lived and worked( )the worker A.between B.among C.in D.at8.jack began to do his homework as soon as be ( )home A.came to B.reached C.arrived 这些英语题,请帮我翻译一下. 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 请帮我翻译一下:the well-known long march rocket series was developed by th 请帮我翻译一下:the well-known long march rocket series was developed by th 初二科学题, 请好心人帮我i解答一下啊~!还要理由的、、、 初二科学题, 请好心人帮我i解答一下啊~!还要理由的、、、 请教英语大神帮我解答124568这6道题正确答案并说明理由, 有一句话,请帮我判断一下!“不要连续使用计算机,使用几小时后,应关一会儿机器” 这句话正确吗?不正确请说明理由! 请帮我看一下这个句子是否有语法错误.She behaves as if she ( were) a child.were是不是应该改为was?如果不是.请说明理由. 大家帮我改改这篇英文日记我的英语水平很低,请大家看下这篇日记哪里出错.帮我改正下,能说明理由更好.Monday Oct.1th 2009 sunnyThe China found a tate of diamond jubilee at today.We went to palyground rised jack th 请帮我:在英语中 20世纪用“20th” 还是“21st”哪个对? ——Is your teacher_______?---Yes,she is.A.afternoon B.English C.a nine D.class 请帮我说明一下理由, he___a lie to his parents Adid told Bdo tell Cdid tell Ddoes told请帮我填一下,并说明理由,非常非常感谢.