
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 16:12:11


Good morning ladies and gentlemen,the topic of my speech today is the city and the quality of life---a journey never stops.
I have to say that I’m not the kind of person who travels too much.I’ve only been to the cities on the railway from Beijing to Guangzhou.But,it is the train travel experience within Jing-Guang railway that enables me to savor varied individualities of different types of cities.So far,my journey has covered 3 cities,at first,please let me take you to the very beginning.
The journey began when I was born in a quiet small city in south china,my hometown.A funny thing is that,actually,in the past no one wanted to go there,for the abominable living conditions.Things definitely have changed during the past 30 years.But what remains is the attitude towards life.We are willing to be common.Being common here means being leisurely and comfortable.So you will notice that everyone seems to enjoy their life,no matter what happens in the outside world!
I didn’t leave my hometown until I was 18.So she helped to shape most of my personalities and taught me to stay calm and relaxed when facing difficulties.I took it as a gift,and I’m always grateful for that.
The journey went on as I entered university in a medium-sized inland city which is famous for its entertainment industry.Of course it has fewer advantages in transportation,climate and politics comparing with big cities such as Shanghai or Guangzhou.But being in the middle is always miserable.I can hear the city’s whisper,telling me that in college I should not only learn how to study,but also how to grab opportunities.Be prepared,then,at the right time,stand out.
The journey never stopped while I stepped out of the train arriving at Beijing,a great metropolis in China,last year.He opened a brand new window for me to observe the whole world.He helped me to realize that I shouldn’t be narrow-minded and shortsighted any longer.
A famous saying is that the stage extends as far as the heart goes.Different cities offered me different perspectives.The city area is expanding,symbolizing the fast pace of modernization.We’re surely suffering,but we’re undoubtedly benefiting.Do not hesitate,do not be afraid,seize every chance,and enjoy your own journey in the cities.
Thank you.

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