语法的分析题目what's it gonna take to equip a flight of F-18s with thermite plasma within the next 36 hours?如果what's变what?take to 去掉to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:16:27

语法的分析题目what's it gonna take to equip a flight of F-18s with thermite plasma within the next 36 hours?如果what's变what?take to 去掉to
what's it gonna take to equip a flight of F-18s with thermite plasma within the next 36 hours?如果what's变what?take to 去掉to

语法的分析题目what's it gonna take to equip a flight of F-18s with thermite plasma within the next 36 hours?如果what's变what?take to 去掉to
gonna=going to
所以要用it is going to..is 不能省
take 是花费的意思 后面的to 表目的 to equip 去装备 强调目的和趋向性 to不能省

be going to结构必须完整,不可只用what, to不可去!从全句可知这是将来时的时态,to则正是与句式相符合的正确用法,表示将要进行的动作!

口语体What's it gonna take=What has it become
to equip a flight of F-18s 是动词不定式短语用做真主语,形式主语it不可省略,what's是what has的缩写形式

语法的分析题目what's it gonna take to equip a flight of F-18s with thermite plasma within the next 36 hours?如果what's变what?take to 去掉to 分析下面英语的语法WHAT DATE IS IT TODAY?WHAT IS THE DATE?都对吗 WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY?WHAT IS TODAY?都对吗,对的错的要分析语法,语法语法~ gon' 是哪几个单词的缩写?we gon' pull together thorght it 怎么翻译 -Who wrote the nickname on my new book -I wrote it,( ) A.What's that B.What if C.What for D.So what 请从句子成分,语法结构,时态等详细的分析.请勿误导. It's not who you are underneath,it's what you do that defines you.这是蝙蝠侠电影的台词.谁能帮我分析一下它的语法及句子结构 It's time 的语法 帮忙分析一下语法结构:what's vacation mean? it's never too late to learn 分析句子成分,语法. what's it shaped like?(不明白这句语法) 求一个超级简单的英语句子分析it's unlikely what's left of Berlusconi's clout will disappear overnight.句子来自CNN新闻,what's 中的‘s是is 还是 has(虽然去掉冠词在语法上也没有错误,但在新闻中应该比较是 求一个超级简单的英语句子分析it's unlikely what's left of Berlusconi's clout will disappear overnight.句子来自CNN新闻,what's 中的‘s是is 还是 has(虽然去掉冠词在语法上也没有错误,但在新闻中应该比较是 It’s like a private look at what the person is thinking and feeling.的意思和语法和当中 what 的语法 it's been quite some it's been quite some 有语法可以分析吗? The basic notion of what’s an algorithm能不能分析这个of后面的英语结构语法 英语翻译eagles新专辑 do someting 的翻译i've been walkin' through the fieldsand on the streets of towntrying to make sense of what you left meeverything that i believed inhas been turned upside downand now it seems the whole wide world's gon What's the s( It's two all now.这个题目中s开头的单词是什么? 几道英语高考题目,麻烦把语法点总结出来,还要分析句子结构!07.It's worth considering what makes “convenience”foods so popular,and ____better ones of your own.A.introduces B.to introduce C.introducing D.introduced1 What is this in English It's a bilke.分析