最好说明为什么选这个1.I am so tired that I can't walk____.(A) any farther (B) even far (C) much far (D) very further 2.They got much ___ from those new books.(A) ideas (B) photos (C) information (D) stories 3.She likes reading and___.(A) so

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:26:07

最好说明为什么选这个1.I am so tired that I can't walk____.(A) any farther (B) even far (C) much far (D) very further 2.They got much ___ from those new books.(A) ideas (B) photos (C) information (D) stories 3.She likes reading and___.(A) so
1.I am so tired that I can't walk____.
(A) any farther
(B) even far
(C) much far
(D) very further
2.They got much ___ from those new books.
(A) ideas
(B) photos
(C) information
(D) stories
3.She likes reading and___.
(A) so I do
(B) so do I
(C) I like so
(D) I do so
4.Please remember to give the horse some tree___.
(A) leaf
(B) leafs
(C) leaves
(D) leave
5.This is ____ interesting book and it is also ____ useful one.
(A) an; the
(B) a; a
(C) an; a
(D) an; an
6.We have never seen ____ interesting film.
(A) so
(B) such an
(C) such
(D) such a
7.He is hungry.Give him ___ to eat.
(A) two piece of bread
(B) two pieces of bread
(C) two breads
(D) two pieces of breads
8.China is one of ___ oldest countries in ___ world.
(A) a; a
(B) an; the
(C) the; the
(D) the; /
9.In Britain tea ___ with milk or sugar in it.
(A) usually is drunk
(B) drank usually
(C) usually drinks
(D) is usually drunk
10.__ I look at the picture,____ I like it.
(A) The best; the more
(B) The more; the less
(C) The more; less
(D) More; the more
11.Our classroom is____ larger than theirs.
(A) much
(B) very
(C) quite
(D) more
12.Children should make____ for old people in a bus.
(A) a room
(B) the room
(C) rooms
(D) room
13.When we speak to people,we should be____ .
(A) as polite as possible
(B) as polite as possibly
(C) as politely as possibly
(D) as politely as possible
14.She was very happy.She___in the maths test.
(A) makes few mistake
(B) makes a few mistake
(C) made few mistakes
(D) made a few mistakes
15.The boat is left ___ by the bank of the river.
(A) along
(B) lonely
(C) alone
(D) long
16.Maths is more popular than____.
(A) any other subject
(B) all the subjects
(C) any subject
(D) other subject
17.A little boy wrote____ "U" and___ "n" on the wall.
(A) a; an
(B) an; a
(C) a; a
(D) an; an
18.Mrs Smith is ____ friend of __
(A) the; my
(B) a; me
(C) a; mine
(D) the; mine
19.It was___ bad weather that we all had to stay inside.
(A) rather
(B) so
(C) very
(D) such
20.This box is___ that one.
(A) as heavy as
(B) so heavy than
(C) heavier as
(D) heavy than

最好说明为什么选这个1.I am so tired that I can't walk____.(A) any farther (B) even far (C) much far (D) very further 2.They got much ___ from those new books.(A) ideas (B) photos (C) information (D) stories 3.She likes reading and___.(A) so
1.A 考点是far的比较级,far有两个比较级,farther 和further,前者是具体的,地理位置上的远,后者是抽象的,更进一步的意思,故选A,句意是“我太累了,再也走不远了”.
2.C 其他选项并无原则上错误,只是本题需要一个抽象的答案,get information ,表示从书中得到信息,这些information可以是ideas、photos、stories等等,排除法,故选C.
3.B 考点是区分“so do I”和“so I do”.前者是“我也是”,后者是“我的确是这样”.
4.C 考点是树叶“leaf ”的复数形式,末尾f 改成V再加es,即leaves.
5.C 考点是不定冠词的用法,第一个无疑是an,第二个useful虽然首字母是元音字母u,但是它是辅音发音,(平时要注意留意这些特例),所以选a.
6.B 考点是such a的用法,因为接的单词是interesting,元音字母开头,故将a改成an.
7.B 考点是不可数名词bread面包的复数形式,two pieces of bread 两片面包固定用法.
8.C 考点是“之一”的用法,最高级前要加the.in the world是固定词组.
9.D 考点是drink的被动形式,即drunk,此外不选A是因为usually是副词,通常不置于be动词前面.
10.B 考点是“越是……越是……”的固定用法,前后都要用比较级.
11.A 考点是只有程度副词much置于比较级前才可以表示程度.
12.D 考点是room作“空间”这个意思的时候,是不可数名词.
13.A 考点是“as …… as possible" 中间接原级.
14.C 首先句子是过去时态,动词用made,其次few表示错误少.
15.C 考点是alone 和lonely的区别,前者是单独地,后者是孤独地,前者具体,后者抽象.
16.A 考点是any other的惯常用法,后面接名词复数,subject复数不用加s
17.A 考点是冠词搭配,元音音节开头的单词前面用an,否则用a,排除一些特例
18.C 考点是“我的一个朋友”的惯常用法,“a friend of mine",不用the来表示特指.
19.D 考点是such that 和so that 的区别,such用来修饰名词,so用来修饰形容词、副词或动词,后接的bad weather整体来看是个名词短语.
20.A 考点是as ……as的固定用法,中间接形容词原级.

1B 2c 3B 4B 5D 6B 7B 8C 9C 10B 11A 12D 13D 14C 15A 16A 17B 18C 19b 20a