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Period One(七年级上Units 1-12)
what, name, your, this, pen, that, how, thank, parent, brother, these, those, where, take, under, on, in, have, play, basketball, many, interesting, let, like, tomato, shoes, help, months of the year, guitar, shower, usually, favorite, days of the week
do homework, go to bed, thanks for, get to

What’s…name? Where’s…? Do you like…? Can you…? Do you have…?
When do you…?
Hello! Hi! Nice to meet you!
1. have
(1) 作“有”讲时,强调“所属关系”,表示“拥有”的意思.其主语常为人或物.eg:
My father has a new computer. 我爸爸有一台新电脑.
I have many story books. 我有许多故事书.
(2) “have + 表示一日三餐的名词”,意为“吃、用餐”. eg:
I have breakfast at seven every morning. 我每天早上七点钟吃早饭.
(3) “have + 表示食品、饮料等名词”,意为“吃、喝”.eg:
I have some bread for breakfast every day. 我每天早餐吃些面包.
Please have a cup of tea. 请喝杯茶.
(4) “have + 表示动作的名词”,没有固定的意思,常与表示动作的动词同义.eg:
have a rest 休息一下 have a swim 游泳 have a look(at…)(朝……)看一眼
have a drink (of …) 喝一点(……)
(5) “have + 表示某种活动的名词”, 意为“进行、举行”.eg:
have a class 上课 have a birthday party 举行生日聚会
2. start
start 动词,意思是“开始,出发”,可用于start to do sth. 和start doing sth.结构中.eg:
School starts at eight o'clock. 8点钟开始上课.
I start to watch TV. 我开始看电视.
They start singing. 他们开始唱歌.
3. usually
usually, sometimes, always, often 等词在英语中被称为“频度副词”,是用来表示动作或状态的
He is often late for school. 他上学经常迟到.
She always does her work well. 她总是把工作做得很好.
What time do you usually get up?
(4)sometimes 的位置较灵活,可放在句首,也可放在句中,有时还可放在句尾.eg:
Sometimes he goes to school on foot. 有时他步行去上学.
I sometimes go to see my uncle on Saturday. 我有时在星期六去看我的叔叔.
1. each &every
each 代词,意为“每个”,可作主语、宾语、同位语和定语,强调个体.而every 是形容词,意思为“每,每个”,只能作定语,强调全体或全部.eg:
Each of the girls has a banana. 每个女孩都有一个香蕉.(此句不能用every替换each)
Give the boys two apples each. 给每个男孩两个苹果.(此句不能用every替换each)
Each boy has a sweater. 每个男孩都有一件毛衣.
Every boy has a T-shirt. 每个男孩都有一件T恤衫.
2. look ( look at)& see
Look at the blackboard! 看黑板!(look只表示“看”,并不一定“看到”)
What can you see on the blackboard? 你在黑板上能看到什么?
(see表示“看到”,即 “看的结果”)
3. too, also& either
三者都表示“也”,但在使用的时候too 和also一般用于肯定的陈述句和疑问句中,其中too放在句末,前面多用逗号隔开;also放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前.either 一般放在否定句的句末. eg:
I like comedies, too.=I also like comedies. 我也喜欢喜剧.
Ann doesn't like thrillers and I don't like them either. 安不喜欢恐怖片,我也不喜欢.
1. —What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
—My name is Jenny. 我叫詹妮.
(1) 询问别人姓名,更委婉礼貌的说法有:My I know your name? Can I have your name?
Will you please tell me your name?
回答姓名可直接说:I’m Jenny.
(2) 动词be变化表
2. What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?
其他几种不同的表达方式:What’s this called in English? What’s the English for this?
Can you say it in English?
[注]in 在该句中为介词,表示“用……方式”.
3. It’s under the bed. 它在床下面.
under prep. 在……之上
(1)under 表示在某物垂直的正下方,两者之间不接触. eg:
The cat is under the table. 猫在床子底下.
(2)on 表示在某物的上面,但两者可互相接触. eg:
The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上.
(3)in 表示“在……内部,在……里面”.eg:
They are in the office. 他们在办公室里.
(4)near 表示在某物的附近,意为“接近,靠近” eg:
My house is near a bookstore. 我家在一个书店附近.
(5)behind 表示在某物体的后面. eg:
Li Ming is behind me. 李明在我后面.
4. Do you like hamburgers? 你喜欢汉堡包吗?
(1) like v. 喜欢
① like sb./sth. eg:
I like the book. 我喜欢这本书.
② like to do sth. 表示目前一时爱好做某事. eg:
I like to play volleyball. 我想去玩排球.
③ like doing sth. 表示习惯上喜欢做某事. eg:
I like dancing. 我喜欢跳舞.
(2) like 作介词,表示“像”,与look 或be 连用. eg:
He looks like his father. 他长得像他爸爸.
She is like an English girl. 她像个英国女孩.
Do it like this. 照这样做.
5. OK, I’ll take it. 好吧,那我把他带走了.
take v. 拿,取
(1) It takes sb. some time to do sth. 干某事花费某人多少时间 eg:
It took him an hour to get there. 他花了一个小时才到那儿.
(2) take out 带出(人),邀请,取出(物) eg:
I’m taking the children out to the movies tonight. 今晚我带孩子们去看电影.
(3) take + a + 名词= have + a + 名词 eg: take a bath / rest / shower /walk
(4) 固定短语: take part in 参加 take place 发生 take care of 照顾
[注] ① take 当 “拿走,带到”讲时,指把东西带到别的地方,即把东西从近处带到远处.eg: Take the books to the classroom. 把这些书拿到教室里去.
② bring也是“拿”的意思,指把东西从别的地方带到说话人所在地或者他指定的地点
Please bring some books to my home. 请把这些书带到我家来.
6. Can you dance? 你会跳舞吗?
Can 为情态动词,意思是“能,会,可以”.
(1) 情态动词没有人称和数的变化,即无论主语是第一人称、第二人称还是第三人称,无论是单数还是复数,情态动词都没有变化.
(2) 情态动词后面要跟动词原形.eg:
He can speak French. 他会说法语.
(3) 带情态动词的句子变为疑问句时,将情态动词提前;变否定句时,在情态动词后加not.
eg: We can see an eraser in the pencil box.
→ Can you see an eraser in the pencil box?
→ We can’t see an eraser in the pencil box.
7. Can you help kids with swimming? 你能帮助小孩游泳吗?
(1)help 可作动词,指“帮助,援助”,常指积极地给予实际的精神的或物质的帮助,帮助的人值得信赖.eg:
He helped me to find the train station. 他帮我找到了火车站.
① help sb. with sth. 在某一方面帮助某人.eg:
The teacher helps him with his English. 老师帮助他学习英语.
② help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事.eg:
I often help my mother (to) do housework. 我常常帮妈妈做家务.
(2) 动词help 还可作 “吃(会餐用语)讲.eg:
Please help yourself to the fruit. 请随意吃水果吧.
(3) can’t help doing sth. 表示“禁不住做某事”;can’t help sb. to do sth. 表示“不能帮助某人做某事”. eg:
I can’t help myself crying. 我情不自禁地哭起来.
I can’t help him to say sorry. 我不能代替他道歉.
(4) help 可用作名词,指“帮助,救济”. eg:
I need some help. 我需要一些帮助.
8. I can play the guitar. 我会玩吉他.
(1) play 的宾语为乐器时,意为“演奏“,乐器名词前要加定冠词the. eg:
play the violin (the piano) 拉小提琴(弹钢琴)
(2) play 后面可接表示球类的名词,意为 “打球”或 “踢球”,球类名词前不加任何冠词或其他
play basketball 打篮球,不能说 play the / a football 或play footballs.
(3) play with 的宾语常为玩的东西.eg:
play with toys (snow; fire …) 玩玩具(雪,火等)
(4) play 还可作名词,意为“剧”. eg: TV play 电视剧.
9. — Can you draw? 你会画画吗?
— Yes, a little. 是的,会一点.
(1) a little“一点,稍微”,为程度副词,作状语,修饰动词、形容词或副词.eg:
I like her a little. 我有点喜欢她.(修饰动词)
The T-shirt is a little big. 这件T恤衫有点大.(修饰形容词)
(2) a little后加名词,意思是“一些,少许”,表示肯定概念,作定语,修饰不可数名词. eg:
I can speak a little English. 我会说一点英语.
(3) little后加名词,意思是“几乎没有,很少的”,表示否定概念.eg:
I can speak little Japanese. 我几乎不会说日语.
10. — What time do you usually get up, Rick? 雷克,你经常几点起床?
— I usually get up at five o'clock. 我经常五点起床.
若询问“某人什么时间做某事”,可用“What time do /does+主语+动词原形+……”句型.其中what time是用来对具体时间提问的,可以用when替换.若问时间,一般说“What's the time?”,也可以说“What time is it?”,回答说“It's...”,不能说“The time is...”.eg:
— What time does he usually go to bed? 他通常什么时间睡觉?
— He usually goes to bed at about eleven. 他通常大约11点睡觉.
— What's the time? 几点了?
— It's 11 o'clock. 11点.
[注]what time 与when 都可以表示“什么时候”.前者所表示的时间比较精确,指“几点钟”、“几时几分”;后者表示的时间范围较广,有时也可以指“几点钟”、“几时几分”,用来代替 what time.
1. 可数名词&不可数名词
不可数名词通常指不能以数目来计算的东西.它一般没有复数形式.前面不能用many, several, a few 等词修饰,但可用some, much, a lot of, a little, any 等词修饰.eg:
There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里有点儿水.
dog-dogs, teacher-teachers
以s, x, ch, sh结尾
bus-buses, box-boxes,
brush-brushes, watch-watches
以ce, se, ze, ge结尾的词
orange-oranges house-houses
city-cities, baby-babies,
boy-boys, toy-toys,
key-keys monkey-monkeys
leaf-leaves, knife-knives,
shelf-shelves, thief-thieves
photo-photos, zoo-zoos
radio-radios kilo-kilos
[注]① 以th 结尾的名词变为复数时,mouth-mouths month-months
② 单复数同形的名词 sheep-sheep 绵羊 deer-deer 鹿 Chinese-Chinese 中国人
fish-fish 鱼
(2) 不可数名词不能直接用a (an)或数词来修饰.若要表示它的个体意义时,必须与一个表示量的短语连用.eg:
a piece of news 一条新闻 a cake of soap 一块肥皂
a bottle of ink 一瓶墨水
(3) 如果用代词代替不可数名词,不能用one 来代替.
He would like pears. Please give one to him. 他想要吃梨.请给他一个.
(句中的pears 是可数名词复数形式,可用one 代替其单数.)
He would like bread. Please give some to him. 他想吃面包,请递给他一块.
(句中的some 不能用one 来代替.)
2. 冠词的用法
(1) 不定冠词a, an
a 和an 是不定冠词的两种形式.a 用在以辅音(指发音不指字母)开头的词前,而 “an” 用在以元音(指发音不指字母)开头的词前.eg: a banana, an apple
① a 和an 表示数量“一”.
② 泛指人或事物的类别. eg.
A horse is a useful animal. 马是有用的动物.
③ 第一次提到某人或某物. eg.
There is a new desk in my room. 我房间里有一张新书桌.
④ 用于某些固定短语中. eg. a few, a little, a lot of.
(2) 定冠词the.
the 是定冠词,它常用于:
① 特指某一个(些)人或事物. eg.
The book on the desk is Lily’s. 书桌上的那本书是莉莉的.
②谈话双方都知道的人或事物. eg.
—Where is the kite? 风筝在哪儿?
—It’s on the wall. 在墙上.
③第二次提到的人或物. eg.
There is a table in the room. On the table there is a map. 房间里有张桌子.桌子上有张地图.
④序数词,最高级的形容词前面. eg.
Jack is the tallest boy in our class. 杰克是我们班上最高的男孩.
⑤用于某些专有名词之前. eg.
The United States. 美国
⑥世界上独一无二的事物的名词前面. eg.
The sun is bigger than the earth. 太阳比地球大.
⑦用在一些习惯用语中. eg. in the afternoon. 在下午 on the left 在左边
3. 名词所有格
英语中的名词所有格有两种形式: “名词+’s”所有格和of 所有格.
① 单数名词后直接加’s;若单数名词以s结尾,只需要加’.eg:
Jim’s coat 吉姆的外套 Jones’ mother 琼斯的妈妈
② 以s结尾的复数名词,只加' . eg:
Teachers’ Day 教师节 the twins’ books 双胞胎的书
③ 不以s 结尾的不规则的名词复数,加’s. eg:
Children’s Day 儿童节 men’s shoes 男式鞋
④ 表示两者共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加’s;表示两者各自拥有时,要在每个名词后加’s.
Lucy and Lily’s mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈
Lucy’s and Kate’s rooms 露茜和凯特各自的房间
(2) of 所有格:动物和无生命名词的所有格一般使用介词of 短语来表示.eg:
the name of her cat 她的猫的名字 a picture of our school 一张我们学校的图片
有时有生命的东西也用of 所有格,可与“名词+’s”所有格互换. eg:
the name of the boy =the boy’s name 这个男孩的名字
① 表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词也可以使用“名词+’s”所有格.eg:
a few years’ time 几年时间 today’s newspaper 今天的报纸
② 有些名词的所有格表示住所、诊所、商店时,常去掉后面被修饰的词. eg:
to my uncle’s 到我叔叔家
1. Han Lei, Jim and I in No.22 Middle School.
A. all are B. am all C. are all D. all (2003. 东北师大附中)
2. Some are flying kites near the river.
A. child B. boy C. children D. childs (2003. 天津)
3. If you don’t mind, pass me apple, please.
A. a B. an C. the D. / (2003. 青岛)
4. The students are listening their teacher very carefully.
A. to B. on C. for D. at (2003. 天津)
5. Ted, the radio is too loud. Please .
A. turn it over B. turn it on C. turn it back D. turn it down (2003. 南京)
6. — does a car cost in China?
—It can cost as little as 50,000 yuan and as much as 300,000 yuan
A. How many B. How price C. How money D. How much (2003. 黄冈)
7. An apple a day is good your health.
A. at B. for C. in D. with (2003. 烟台)
8. —Did you enjoy your stay in Hangzhou?
—Yes, I had wonderful time.
A. a B. an C. the D. / (2003. 杭州)
9. —Who taught English last term? Was _____Mr Smith?
—No, Miss White did.
A. you, it B. you, he C. your, it D. your, that (2003. 山东)
10. Jim’s dog looks a fox. He _____it very much.
A. like, likes B. like, like B. likes, like D. likes, likes (2003. 宁夏)
11. China lies the east of Asia and ____ the north of Australia.
A. to, to B. in, to C. to, in D. in, on (2003. 天津)
12. I’ll tell you news about the sports meeting.
A. many B. some C. a few (2003. 四川)
13. The old woman kept one black dog and two white .
A. one B. ones C. those D. one’s
14. There’ll be evening party in the garden next Friday.
A. a B. the C. / D. an
15. John’s uncle has many friends. Mr Shute is a friend of .
A. John’s uncle B. John uncle’s C. John’s uncle’s D. John uncle
16. Lucy has to do today.
A. many homeworks B. a homework C. much homework D. a piece homework
17. In time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too.
A. few years B. a few years’ C. a few year D. a few year’s
18. The color of my trousers different from_____ of yours.
A. is, one B. is, that C. are, it D. are, this
19. There are a lot of down there but hardly any_____.
A. sheeps, people B. sheep, people C. sheeps, persons D. sheep, peoples
20. 用can / may / must / need 填空.
① He ride a bike now.
② the news be true?
③ I watch TV after supper?
④ May I take the dictionary away? No, you /Yes, you .
⑤ You come earlier tomorrow.
⑥ Must I clean all the rooms? No, you .
⑦ Need I go? Yes, you . / No, you .
⑧ You have a rest.