
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:03:44


Two weeks ago I came back from holiday.I had gone to Turkey.The weather was great albeit I was imprisoned in the hotel for two days becouse of heavy rain.At the beggining I though that I could not abide staying at the hotel for two days.However when I started getting acquainted with other holidaymakers I totally forgot about the bad weather condition and all my negative attitude just gone.The gruop of my new friends agumented hour by hour.When somebody offered me a drink my answer was always affirmative.Eventually I ended up at different rooms each night.In the last three days the weather forecast was absolutley wonderful.So my friends and me planned a trip to the local market in order to buy some souvenirs.When we reached our destination the most astonish think for me was that I had to bargain over the price about every product.Before arriving to the hotel we had eaten at a restaurant.I ordered helping of stawed vegetables,which tasted lovely,and lamb with bland taste.At the airport each of us exchanged phone numbers with each other and now I am looking forward to seeing them again
翻译:两个星期前我从假期回来.我去了土耳其.天气很好虽然我被囚禁在酒店两天因为大雨.beggining我虽然我不能住在酒店呆了两天.但是当我开始熟悉其他度假者我完全忘记了恶劣的天气条件和我所有的消极态度就消失了.我的新朋友gruop agumented一小时一小时地.当有人给我喝我的答案总是肯定的.最终我最终在不同房间每晚.
