帮我写一篇250字左右的英文阅读报告标题:Macau police to rececive hefty pay rise in move to boost morale.内容:A substanial pay rise is expected to boost morale among Macau police officers,who have been hit by recent scandals that cast

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:03:26

帮我写一篇250字左右的英文阅读报告标题:Macau police to rececive hefty pay rise in move to boost morale.内容:A substanial pay rise is expected to boost morale among Macau police officers,who have been hit by recent scandals that cast
标题:Macau police to rececive hefty pay rise in move to boost morale.
内容:A substanial pay rise is expected to boost morale among Macau police officers,who have been hit by recent scandals that cast doubt over their performance.
But critics say a fair promotion system is also needed to lift morale in the force and shore up public confidence in officers.
A 33 per cent increase in officers' starting salary,proposed by the Executive Council,looks set to be passed by the legislature early next year,with the proposed rise backdated to July this year.
"Better pay and benefits are urgently needed to improve the rock-bottom morale among frontline police officrs,''lawmaker Jose Coutinho,head of the Macau Civil Servants Association,said.
Security Police chief Lei Siu-Peng said the pay rise would help to attract new blood to the force when a labour shortage had occurred in various sectors in Macau.
"The casinos are offering fat pay packets,making it difficult for us to hire young people nowadays,'' he said.But he denied that police morale had been low.
The proposed pay increase would take a starting officer's salary to about 15,000 patacas a month,bringing it close to the rate earned by card dealers in casinos.
Distrust of the force has grown following recent revelations of loan-sharking,theft and gambling in the ranks.
Two loan-sharking networks were uncovered in the force this month and in July,in which officers had extended credit to more than 30 colleagues who borrowed money for gambling.
TV images of riot police confronting mainland visitors las month did nothing for public confidence in the force,which came under fire for deploying heavily armed officers to handle a group of travellers angry with their tour guides.
Some of these problems stemmed from favouritism in the force,which was seeking reform,Mr Coutinho said."There needs to be a fair and transparent system for ranking and promotion,'' he said.
The Executive Council is proposing changes to the force's ranking system,aiming to set up clearer and stricter criteria for promotion.
The authorities abolished a fund allowing an officer's widow or widower to claim a monthly sum equivalent to 50 per cent of the officer's salary.A fund giving retired officers who had served for 30 years a monthly benefit equivalent to their salaries at retirement was also abolished.

帮我写一篇250字左右的英文阅读报告标题:Macau police to rececive hefty pay rise in move to boost morale.内容:A substanial pay rise is expected to boost morale among Macau police officers,who have been hit by recent scandals that cast
Personally,I feel that the pay rise does not solve the root of the problem.The pay rise may keep the older members on the team but may not attract new blood when there are jobs with better pay around.
Also,the basic problem for the low morale is the lack of confidence from the public,if the public's confidence is restored,then there will be people willing to join the team.
Although the council hopes that just by increasing the pay,the morale of the team will be better,then they may be wrong.From the few cases of police officers gambling and handling travellers,we can see that the mindset of the officers need to be corrected.They need to define right from wrong,and their duties from what they ought not to do.
Still,this is a good start.Although it does not thoroughly solve the morale question,it does bring to the public that being a police officer can be another choice to consider,and new blood may be introduced through this.

帮我写一篇250字左右的英文阅读报告标题:Macau police to rececive hefty pay rise in move to boost morale.内容:A substanial pay rise is expected to boost morale among Macau police officers,who have been hit by recent scandals that cast 阅读报告的格式我要写一篇阅读报告,但是不知道怎么写, 帮我写一篇标题为 放飞希望 的作文 生活使我懂得了___作文标题;生活使我懂得了___ 600字左右的 谁帮我找找或者谁帮我写一篇 英语论文开题报告 我的题目是英文报纸标题的歧义,这个题目怎么写开题报告啊? 帮我一个忙,写一篇英文的介绍长城的文章300个字左右 拜托各位,帮我写一篇小学五年级的科学论文,400-500字左右,多谢了加上标题更好,最好今天就写出来,谢谢大家了~~! 关于写读书报告的问题,语文作业有一项是"写一篇3000字内的读书报告,报告中含三部作品",能帮我解释一下是让我在一篇报告中分开写三个读后感,还是写一篇三部作品的类比或比较阅读报 那为好心人帮我写一篇短点的英文感谢父母的演讲稿.400英文字左右. 谁能帮我写下这篇应用文?关于报告.根据下面的文字说明写一篇450字左右的应用文,要求包含标题、正文、结尾语、落款等几个要素.中国×进出口商会于×月×日至×月×日派人去××,了解了×× 帮我写一篇600字左右的勤俭节约的作文, 《书是甜的》作文帮我写一篇,(400字左右) 帮我写一篇朝花夕拾的读书笔记,1000字左右. 谁帮我写一篇《围城》的读书笔记,300字左右! 谁帮我写一篇《论语》的读书笔记?600字左右! 请帮我写一篇600字左右的残奥会作文 谁帮我写一篇英语值日报告? My opinion about working on weekends?能不能就这个话题帮我写一篇100字左右的英文作文?