
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:13:05


1.During the few days of Chinese New Year.the city are covered with a variety of fluorescent lamps.Street trees are white fluorescent light.
2 At the night of eating New Year's Eve Dinner,we have to pack spring rolls.
3 The whole family together play mahjong at Idle time the evening.
4.During the day,family go to temple to burn incense and worshiping Buddha,pray for blessings for the next new year.

A Chinese New Year the past few days the city are covered with a variety of fluorescent lamps. Street trees are white fluorescent light.
2 to eat dinner the night we have to pack spring rolls.


A Chinese New Year the past few days the city are covered with a variety of fluorescent lamps. Street trees are white fluorescent light.
2 to eat dinner the night we have to pack spring rolls.
3 will be free time at night the whole family together to play mahjong
4 during the day to worship the temple burning incense, praying for the new year.


1.These days the Spring Festival with city of fluorescent lamp. Street trees are white fluorescent lamp.
2.The night we should eat meal package spring rolls.
3.Free will all evening together playing mahjong
4.The day to burn incense to buddhist temples in the New Year

1、 During the spring festival, the cities are filled with neon lights. The trees on the road side have bright, white decorated lights on them.
2、 During the New Year's Eve, we would make spring ro...


1、 During the spring festival, the cities are filled with neon lights. The trees on the road side have bright, white decorated lights on them.
2、 During the New Year's Eve, we would make spring rolls.
3、 We would play majong during the free night times.
4、 We would go to the temples to pray for a good year on daytime.


1) during the spring festival, the cities are filled with neon lights. The trees on the road side have bright, white decoration lights on them
2) During the New Year's Eve, we would make spring rolls.
3) We would play majong during the free, night times.
4) We would go to the temples to pray for a good year.

英语翻译1春节这几天城市里都挂满了各种荧光灯.街边树上都是白色的荧光灯.2吃年夜饭的晚上我们要包春卷.3晚上空闲的时候会全家聚在一起打麻将4白天去寺庙拜佛烧香,为新的一年祈福. 英语翻译1 明天就是新年了,请忘记以前 不开心事情,迎接新的一年吧.2 我累了这么久,终于可以 连续休息好几天了.3 你们春节 / 你们元旦 放假几天呢?4 我们春节 / 我们元旦 放假 3 天 英语翻译还有几天了。 英语翻译1 你 快该下班了吧?/ 快该上班了吧?2 我们春节 连续 放假7天3 我们国庆节 放假 3 天.4 你们 去年国庆节 放了几天假?5 你们 去年 春节 / 国庆节,去哪里旅游了 6 我有一张和Jack 合影的照 英语翻译翻译:1 最近我们城市这下雪了,你们呢?你们城市那里的温度还像以前一样低的吗?2 其实我圣诞节那几天就打算联系你的,可惜老师布置的作业实在很多,我别无选择只好先完成家庭作 你快要放假了吧?英语怎么说1 你快要放假了吧?没有,还要再过三天 / 还要再过几天,才能休息.2 这是我带给你的 春节礼物 / 圣诞节礼物3 遇到任何问题,都不要着急,要冷静处理英语翻译. 英语翻译这几天要! 为什么出太阳时会下雪?春节这几天的事 春节.英语翻译 英语翻译你现在在新加坡了吗?据说那边这几天天气不好是吗?注意安全.你现在在忙什么?欣赏风景吗?新加坡是花园城市,你喜欢这边吗?有机会的话也欢迎你来中国. 说说下面的句子分别采用了什么说明方法.1、在腊八这天,人们用各种米,各种豆,与各种干果熬成的粥叫腊八粥.( )2、腊月二十三过小节,差不多就是过春节的“彩排” ( )3、菜市场里的蔬 今天距离春节还有几天? 英语翻译:这座城市养育了很多名人. 英语翻译过几天就要交了! 北京的春节第一自然段赏析照北京的老规矩,春节差不多在腊月的初旬就开始了.“腊七腊八,冻死寒鸦”,这是一年里最冷的时候.在腊八这天,家家都熬腊八粥.粥是用各种米,各种豆,与各种干果 春节起源于很久很久以前,所以过春节也就成为了大家的习惯.英语翻译 英语翻译喜庆的春节等的花儿都谢了 春节那几天有什么动物?