我有一些初一的该错题,There’s going to have a CBA match between Nangang and Hongyuan.He like none of the sports shoes,doesn’t he?The factory has been opened for twenty years.I have none money with me now.What’re you going to do with th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 18:28:57

我有一些初一的该错题,There’s going to have a CBA match between Nangang and Hongyuan.He like none of the sports shoes,doesn’t he?The factory has been opened for twenty years.I have none money with me now.What’re you going to do with th
There’s going to have a CBA match between Nangang and Hongyuan.
He like none of the sports shoes,doesn’t he?
The factory has been opened for twenty years.
I have none money with me now.What’re you going to do with them?
Would they like stop listening to the teacher?

我有一些初一的该错题,There’s going to have a CBA match between Nangang and Hongyuan.He like none of the sports shoes,doesn’t he?The factory has been opened for twenty years.I have none money with me now.What’re you going to do with th
There’s going to (be) a CBA match between Nangang and Hongyuan.
He (likes) none of the sports shoes,doesn’t he?
The factory has been [openned] for twenty years.其中been不能删去,这个是被动语态
I have [no] money with me now.What’re you going to do with [it]?
Would they like to stop [to listen] to the teacher?

第2行:like---LIKES doesn’----DOES
4:none --NO
5:like stop --like to stop to listen

listening->to listen

我有一些初一的该错题,There’s going to have a CBA match between Nangang and Hongyuan.He like none of the sports shoes,doesn’t he?The factory has been opened for twenty years.I have none money with me now.What’re you going to do with th 英语,(这儿有一些名人的信息)怎么翻译?是不是There are some .,s information 谁能帮我写或找一篇英语作文(初一下学期)1不少于60个词2要用there be结构介绍一篇的家的短文,有多少房间,每个房间有一些什么 在20°时,将饱和的食盐水溶液蒸发掉75g水,得到27克食盐求 20°时氯化钠的溶解度 该饱和食盐水的溶质质量分数我用比例求 s:100g=27g:75g 得s=36g 这个我没问题 但是第二题 我是这样算的 27g/(27 There()()money in my backpack,but there()()books.There ()()money in my backpack,but there()()books.我的双肩背包里没有钱,但有一些书. It will take a few days to get there by car,so let’s fly there i____这是一道初一的填空题 matlab中,syms g,s=1/(1-g);r=int(s);ezplot(s);得到了当g大于1时候的曲线,但是我希望得到g小于1的曲线matlab给出的r=-log(g-1),而我想要得到的是r=-log(1-g),也就是得到g小于1时候的曲线.该怎么办? 如何判定磁体的极性?我有一些用磁铁,如何判断磁铁的N,S极? 求初一作文《我战胜了**》**可以是胆小懦弱.要有文采些有一些优美语句的. there's a few websites that sell school books.这里的there's是there has的缩写还是there is的缩写?我是个中学生不是很了解,如果是there is的缩写而该句子后面跟的是复数,be动词该用are才对吧.大神们帮我下呗. 根据汉语句子意思,完成英语句子,每空一词.今天的报纸上有一些有趣的东西.There's _____ ______ in today's newspaper. yy五项套词该用什么伴奏我虽然有一些五项台词 但是伴奏怎么找 该用什么样的 一个柱状容器里盛有一些水,如果把一个密度比水大的固体放入容器(无水溢出),我知道增大的压强就是p水g(V固/S底),增大的压力就是再乘以S底,但是我不知道增大的压力等不等于G固-F浮. 我有一些数学题不会写,我该怎么办? 字母首字母.J S M G R D S S W D C,J S M G R D S W G D T,J S W K L H D C,J S W K L H J.J S W Y J Z D X H L Y H .J S W X H D A S T D C D,D S T X H D B S W.W B H D T,B H..就算每个人都认为是我的错,就算每个人都说我该等他,就算 我的书包里有一些书 除了There are some books in my schoolbag.用英语还可以怎么说 我的电脑有一些问题.There is something wrong with my computer.=____is____ ____ my computer. 谁有一些英语的俚语,发给我好吗如题