根据提示汉译英.做完我给分.1.你应该比以前更努力地工作(ought to )2.我们有充足的时间赶火车(plenty)3.她得跑着才能跟上他们(keep up with)4.她得在两件衣服中选择一件(make choice)5.他

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:16:44

根据提示汉译英.做完我给分.1.你应该比以前更努力地工作(ought to )2.我们有充足的时间赶火车(plenty)3.她得跑着才能跟上他们(keep up with)4.她得在两件衣服中选择一件(make choice)5.他
1.你应该比以前更努力地工作(ought to )
3.她得跑着才能跟上他们(keep up with)
4.她得在两件衣服中选择一件(make choice)
5.他们偶尔去看一场球赛(now and then)
6.让我们把地毯卷起来跳舞(roll up)
7.每天早晨他在操场上跑步以保持健康(keep fit)
8.现在的亚洲不再是过去的样子了(no longer)
9.你为什么不放弃吃甜食来减少体重呢(lose weight)
10.即使她来,也晚了(even if)
13.园丁从树上砍下一根树枝(cut off)

根据提示汉译英.做完我给分.1.你应该比以前更努力地工作(ought to )2.我们有充足的时间赶火车(plenty)3.她得跑着才能跟上他们(keep up with)4.她得在两件衣服中选择一件(make choice)5.他
You ought to work harder than before.
We have plenty of time to catch up the train.
She had to run to keep up with them.
She had to make a choice between the two blouses.
They went to watch a football game now and then.
Let's roll up the carpet and dance.
Every morning he runs on the playground to keep fit.
Asia is no longer the one it used to be.
Why don't you give up dessert to lose weight?
Even if she comes,it's too late.
We will divide this work.
We must risk being obstructed by the storm.
The gardener cut a branch off the tree.
We must learn to combine theory with practice.

1. You ought to work harder than before
2. We have plenty time to catch the train
3. She had to run to keep up with them
4. She had to make a choice to select a clothing
5. They ...


1. You ought to work harder than before
2. We have plenty time to catch the train
3. She had to run to keep up with them
4. She had to make a choice to select a clothing
5. They go to watch a ball game now and then
6. Let us roll up the carpet dancing
7. Every morning he was running in the playground in order to keep fit
8. Nowadays, Asia is no longer which it used to
9. Why do not you give up eating sweets to lose weight
10. Even if she came, it is too late
11. We will divide this work
12. We must take the risk of being hindered by the storm
13. Gardener cut off a branch from a tree
14. We must learn to combine theory with practice


You ought to work harder than you used to.
We still have plenty of time to catch up train.
She had no choice but to run to keep up with them.
She have to make choice between those two clos...


You ought to work harder than you used to.
We still have plenty of time to catch up train.
She had no choice but to run to keep up with them.
She have to make choice between those two closes.
They go and watch football game now and then.
Let's roll up the carpet and dance.
He run on the playground every morning to keep fit.
Nowadays,Asia is no longer as it used to be.
Why don't you stop eating dessert to lose weight?
Even if she does come,she is late.
We will divide this project.
We have to take the risk of being obstructed by storm.
The gardener cut a branch off the tree.
We should learn to combine theory with reality.


根据提示汉译英.做完我给分.1.你应该比以前更努力地工作(ought to )2.我们有充足的时间赶火车(plenty)3.她得跑着才能跟上他们(keep up with)4.她得在两件衣服中选择一件(make choice)5.他 帮我写初一英语作文60字OK大神们帮帮忙网友想知道你的日常生活,现在根据以下提示,给网友发个邮件,告诉她你的情况 要点提示:1.在深圳阳光中学上学 2.6:30分起床 3.8:30-11:30上课 4.下午4 几句英语翻译.不要用翻译软件.根据所给的提示词将下面的句子翻译成英语.1.你能给我打电话真是太好了.(it)2.李平努力学习以便他能通过考试.(so that)3.你不应该在这里抽烟.(be supposed t 根据提示写一段话:你遇到过什么困难?是怎样克服的?有什么经验教训?写一段话.根据提示写一段话:你遇到过什么困难?是怎样克服的?有什么经验教训?写一段话.今天就要,好的话我会给分的. 写一封英语信,谁帮我.50分假如你是刘军,是一名七年级的学生.请根据所给提示,写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下你的班级和你新认识的一个朋友王伟,内容可适当发挥.提示:1班上有50名学生,你 200字的不做完作业的检讨书怎么写 【我是有些题没做】 求求你 最好现成的 在明天之前和我说我给分 假如你的朋友Jim经常生病,请你根据提示词给他写一封信,告诉他应该怎样注意保养自己的身体.(60个词左右 英语翻译汉译英.根据汉语提示及提示词翻译句子.每小题2分)1.我愿呆在家里而不愿去参考一个聚会.(would rather…than)2.他可能在跑着赶公共汽车.(might be)3.无论你做什么,都不要错过这场音乐会(w 根据提示,把句子补充完整 1.表示条件:你去,我【】去.2.表示假设:你去,我【】去. 这个地球上有比我帅的人吗?正解的话再给5分.(附正解答案提示:1.没有;2.真没有;3.真心没有;4.绝B没有;5.这个真没有;6.我爱死楼主了,因为你帅到爆;7.楼主帅的我心潮澎湃春心荡漾; 山东教育出版社.求你了 给我吧...我刚刚做完= = 根据汉语提示,翻译句子.他不比你矮.He _____ _____ than you.我的头发比你的短些.My hair is _______ than _______. 请大家帮我写篇英语作文假如你是林丹,你在美国的笔友露西(Lucy)来信询问你想象中的未来的生活.请根据下面的提示,给露西写封回信,向他介绍一下你对未来生活的畅想.要点提示:1.开办巧克 有意者留下q号,我联系你.做完再加50分 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的加分假如你是你们校报英语版的编辑桑迪(Sandy),读者露西(Lucy)来信向你询问该怎么交朋友,请你根据以下提示,给她写封回信,给她提一些建议.提示:1.与同学 请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的追加50分假如你是李明,你明天要带你的美国朋友去泰山游玩,请根据以下提示写篇短文,以便在第二天游玩时向他们介绍一下泰山.提示:1.位于山东中部,是中 情比金坚,后续~我已经做完这个任务,得到了花篮,我朋友还没做完.我们接下来应该做什么?那项链的属性呢? 英语作文 假如你是刘岚,琳达是两年前就读于你学校的交换生.昨天你收到了他的电子邮件,请根据下面的邮件给她回信.就是写出“我”现在的变化,提示:比以前长高了.更健康了,看电视玩电