
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 08:22:05


★望采纳哦★ 1 you dressed carefully,but not rigidly adhere to the dress; you love communication,side through a fashionably dressed men and women; you hot in the pursuit of all new,high-end and cutting-edge.You are the pioneers,have awakened,rich,wisdom,create,feelings,bear,positive,noble.Some car makes you crave,some car makes you look,some car is your desire,there is a car make you swoon.2 share subscription

Your clothing is exquisite, but not limited to dress, You love communication,
side through a group of guys and dolls, You're hot in chasing all novel,
high-end and front. You are the pioneer...


Your clothing is exquisite, but not limited to dress, You love communication,
side through a group of guys and dolls, You're hot in chasing all novel,
high-end and front. You are the pioneer of The Times, with awareness, rich, wise
and farsighted, creating, feelings, bear, active, noble... Some car let you
desire, some car let you look back, some car is your desire, there is always
that a car let you eyes drunk god fan...
Share subscription


英语翻译1.你衣着讲究,但不拘泥于正装;你热爱交际,身边穿行一群红男绿女;你热于追逐一切新奇、高端和前沿.你是时代的先行者,拥有觉醒、富足、睿智、创造、情怀、担当、积极、高尚 英语翻译译成英文,地道些,可以不拘泥于字面, 不拘泥于世俗之见什么意思 不拘泥于世俗什么意思? 读一读,选一选(题在下面)武断 判断 讲究 考究1.你这样没有根据的( ),只会草菅人命.事实会证明,你的( )是错误的.2.他衣着( ),但是举止粗俗.看来,一个只对穿衣服很( )但不爱的书 不拘泥于一种规格的成语 不拘泥于生活小事是什么成语急, 不拘泥于生活小事是什么成语 英语翻译就是下面5句.1.汤姆喜欢看球赛.2.他喜欢游泳,我也喜欢.3.他不讲究衣着.4.别把我当小孩看待.5.我和妹妹同住一间房间. 根据意思写成语.1.形容花木等形体拔匀称.( )2.不拘泥于一种规格根据意思写成语.1.形容花木等形体拔匀称.( )2.不拘泥于一种规格. 填词语:1.顺从心里的希望,想怎样就怎样() 2.不拘泥于一种模式或标准() 汉朝时女子的化妆步骤和衣着讲究 不拘泥于一种规格或一种格局的词语 1.作为历史题材小说,《三国演义》源于历史,又不拘泥于历史,在一数方面具有多方面成就.请你对此略作评价. 有欲而不执著于欲,有求而不拘泥于求 它使你惊异于那农民衣着包裹着的躯体……能量!在文中的作用 大方的意思 造句大方的另一种意思;不拘泥用它造句但词语是大方 为人处世有独到见解,不拘泥于他人目光用什么成语形容?