
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:46:02


In fact it is true that some people are surprised at the scene,especially when two people embrace,when the action seems very natural,as if they had done numerous times in private.In this film have a lot of similar lens,is worth Views

Actually that is reaaly a scene of bit surprise,especially when the action of both them seems nature,seems they did that lots of time in private.In this movie there are still many similar scene which worth to look on.

Actually that indeed is a scene somewhat amazing,especially when they are hugging the action of the two persons looks so natural, as if that they have done so in private for countless times.There are still many similar scenes in this film which really deserve watching.

Actually that is reaaly a scene of bit astonished,especially when the action of both them looked very nature,seems they did that heaps of time in private.In this movie there are still many similar scene,worth to look on.

请帮忙汉译英一句话事实上那的确是让人有些惊讶的一幕,特别是当拥抱时两个人的动作看起来都非常的自然,好像他们私下里已经做过无数次.在这部影片里还有很多类似的镜头,很值得观看 看图写一句话,请帮忙? 请帮忙整理成一句话, 事实上 汉译英,只有一句话,先谢它是可以的,请帮忙尽快递交给客户! 请高人帮忙翻译一句话 汉译英的世上没有救世主 我们只能靠自己谢谢! 请帮忙汉译英一句话你在我的心里始终占有一个角落,直到永远. 请帮忙写一篇英文的表白作文,只要一句话 请帮忙中译英,一句话那么我就丢颗石子到水里! 请大师生生世世实施生生世世事实上 easy maths13那条,请大家帮忙 请帮忙中间那题怎样做? 单质,化合物,混合物,纯净物的定义,有什么区别.具体点的!有些物质看起来是单质,事实上不是;有些物质看起来是化合物,但事实上不是;有些物质看起来是混合物,但事实上不是;有些物质看 帮忙翻译一段上海话,谢谢请有些刚卵听好 伐要么四提跑到无空间看看 看那妈错比啊 有撒好看饿 组册来饿四提错桑啊伐如饿爱看那娘西特 字不里刚册来饿还湖连只P啊伐如饿 爱四拧啊 有米 汉译英:那的确是酷热的一天 It ___ was ___ ___ day. IQ题,大家帮忙看看昨晚爸爸买了4瓶酸奶,他喝了一瓶.今天早上我喝了一瓶.下午他把剩下的两瓶拿出来解冻,接着我拿了一瓶(当时他看到我到客厅里,提醒我拿,事实上我的确为了拿奶到厅里) 翻译一个英语单词.题目:(用以表示惊奇)是吗;的确;非常;事实上( ).有哪位知道吗? 请高手来看看,请帮忙解释一下下面一句话是什么意思?Response.Write & vbcrlfResponse.Write 特别是其中的pageKeyWords和page_desc,construction1和construction2是自定义的常量,那这句话究竟是有何用途,后面