翻译英语“你认为世界上哪个国家的女性最漂亮? 我认为拉美国家盛产美女,因为大多数选美比赛的冠军得主都来自拉美国家.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:19:28

翻译英语“你认为世界上哪个国家的女性最漂亮? 我认为拉美国家盛产美女,因为大多数选美比赛的冠军得主都来自拉美国家.
翻译英语“你认为世界上哪个国家的女性最漂亮? 我认为拉美国家盛产美女,因为大多数选美比赛的冠军得主都来自拉美国家.

翻译英语“你认为世界上哪个国家的女性最漂亮? 我认为拉美国家盛产美女,因为大多数选美比赛的冠军得主都来自拉美国家.
Which country do you think is the richest in beauties?
I believe Latin America,the birthplace of most beauty queens,should win the laurel.
win the laurel:赢得桂冠,这种说法中英文里有对应表达法.
beauty contest queen/winner都可以,但个人觉得queen的说法更有时代气息.

Which country do you think have the most beauty? I thinl Latin America have the most beauty, ecause most of the winners of the beauty contests are from Latin America.

In your opinion,which country has the most beauty?
I guess Latin America is rich in beauty,because most of th beauty contest winners are come from there.

Do you think the world which countries the most beautiful of women?

which country do you think have the most beautiful women?I thinl Latin America have the most beautiful women, because most of the winners of the beauty contests are from Latin America.综合以上几人答案以及我自己的认识,我认为这样翻译最合适!希望对你有帮助!

Do you think the world which countries the most beautiful of women?
I think that Latin America is rich in beauty, because most of the beauty contest winners are from Latin America.
