what if 的用法有哪些?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 11:51:12

what if 的用法有哪些?
what if 的用法有哪些?

what if 的用法有哪些?
what if =what do you do if
if 是用来假设一个状况:If[状况],then[后果].
状况子句要用过去式(did),后果子句用过去未来式(would do).
问:What if you cloned yourself in the laboratory?
答:Then I would play chess games with my clone.
could 是can的过去式,所以用在状况子句.
would 是用在后果子句.
问:What if you could combine a cow and a tiger?
答:Then there would be a new animal specie.