有没有人帮我写一篇关于讨论英语听力的作文要英文的哦以书信的形式,内容可以是介绍怎么提高听力水平,也可以是询问怎么提高听力水平,最好是两个内容都写一下,不要夹在一起两篇 急用,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:47:20

有没有人帮我写一篇关于讨论英语听力的作文要英文的哦以书信的形式,内容可以是介绍怎么提高听力水平,也可以是询问怎么提高听力水平,最好是两个内容都写一下,不要夹在一起两篇 急用,
以书信的形式,内容可以是介绍怎么提高听力水平,也可以是询问怎么提高听力水平,最好是两个内容都写一下,不要夹在一起两篇 急用,不应太长,十多句就行,简单一点更好

有没有人帮我写一篇关于讨论英语听力的作文要英文的哦以书信的形式,内容可以是介绍怎么提高听力水平,也可以是询问怎么提高听力水平,最好是两个内容都写一下,不要夹在一起两篇 急用,
Hearing the importance of not self-evident, students should raise the level of hearing, first of all, a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary certain; Second, we must pay attention to the following questions:
1. Change the traditional way of word memory
Most of the students word memory is the traditional way, simply by writing spelling words in mind. Remember the written spelling, listening, Gendu and repeatedly read out is very necessary, on the one hand guarantee the correct pronunciation, on the other hand, can be heard familiar words.
2. Attention and often read aloud
And often read aloud to contribute to the hearing.
3. Jing and Fan Ting listen to combine
There are two advantages of fine listening to: (1) can focus on the promotion (2) to raise the awareness level of language forms, and details that do dictation, can improve the correct rate. At the same time, we can not focus only on fine listen to the neglect of the Fanting. Through Fanting not only can get more information and knowledge, but also help to improve the tone of voice, listening to expand vocabulary.
4. Listening material diversification
We all know that to raise the level of hearing only 1-2 per week of listening class is not enough, in extra-curricular will take the initiative to find some material to practice hearing, but many people in the hearing of non-selective, or just personal preferences Listening materials, such things are often reactive and a half times, although spent a lot of time, but little progress.

有没有人帮我写一篇关于讨论英语听力的作文要英文的哦以书信的形式,内容可以是介绍怎么提高听力水平,也可以是询问怎么提高听力水平,最好是两个内容都写一下,不要夹在一起两篇 急用, 有没有人可以帮我写一篇作文 关于海贼王的作文-——对我影响最大的一个人 我想写 LF 有没有人 能帮我弄一篇 有没有人能帮我找一篇500字的英语作文啊 内容是关于美国文化的! 有没有人会写一篇关于一次旅行的英语作文,60字, 有没有人能帮我修改一篇英语作文,写人的把邮箱给我,我给你发word, 有没有好心人帮我写一篇寓言故事啊.短的,有没有人帮我写一篇短的寓言故事.要自己写的哦... a good student in my mind有没有人能帮我写一篇以上面为题的英语作文呀,如果有的话在下感激不尽了! 我来自北京 请问有人能帮我写一篇作文关于我的家乡北京吗? 有没有人帮我写作业? 希望有人帮我写一篇关于生物老师的英语作文.100词以上的、但不要太多. 有没有人可以帮我写2篇作文阿?帮托了!在暑假里的作文,像5、6年级的人写的作文! 我想写一篇关于感情的文章,因为最近心情太乱,写不好,所以请问有没有人帮别人写感情故事的, 一篇关于《一路有你》的作文 散文 我说的是帮我写篇- -额. 帮我写一篇关于成长的烦恼的作文 帮我写一篇800字关于春节的作文 帮我写一篇关于中秋节的作文 帮我写一篇关于友谊的作文~