这首英文诗有什么需要修改的地方(给迈克尔的诗)英语高手进来看看,有什么语法错误或拼写错误,快来指正.谢谢.等await等,寂寞到夜深.To await, lonesome to the middle of night.夜,已经荒凉,已经昏暗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:53:49

这首英文诗有什么需要修改的地方(给迈克尔的诗)英语高手进来看看,有什么语法错误或拼写错误,快来指正.谢谢.等await等,寂寞到夜深.To await, lonesome to the middle of night.夜,已经荒凉,已经昏暗
等,寂寞到夜深.To await, lonesome to the middle of night.
夜,已经荒凉,已经昏暗.Night is already cold and dusky.
天,星斗照耀.The stars are shining on the sky.
深知,远隔千里,你在月庭,遥望故国.And I know,a long distance away,you are at the moon,look into the distance.
等,青丝变白发.To await, black hair become white hair.
朝思暮想,想你的容颜.I miss your appearance all day long.
目睹你远去,I saw you far apart,
你的足迹,你的泪印,心中永印.your track,your tears mark,will print my heart forever.
殷切盼望,面上淌泪,心中滴血.I hope eagerly,my tears are on my face,my heart is staxising.
只求,王,再次归来.I just request that the king will back again.
不奢求长长久久,天昏地老.I won't request we belong together for a long time.
只求,真切地触摸到,哪怕只是转瞬即逝——I just request that I can touch your face truly
那朝思暮想的脸.,even if it just a moment which is gone too soon.
不求你依然记得我,那时我已衰老,你已认不出.I won't request that you still remember me.At that time ,I'll be so old that you don't know.
可是你天使般的容貌,哪怕到了地狱,我也依稀记得.But your angelic face I will remember,even to the hell.
等,那朝思暮想的容颜.To await,that angelic face.
等,天堂的再次相遇.To await,we will meet once again in heaven.
等,那永恒的幸福.To await,that eternal happiness.
请记住,是永恒……Please remember,that will be eternal.
答应我,好吗?Just understand me,okay?
请一定要等我,我也一样会等你.You must wait for me,please.And I'll be the same.
就让我们在天堂相遇吧.So see you in heaven.

这首英文诗有什么需要修改的地方(给迈克尔的诗)英语高手进来看看,有什么语法错误或拼写错误,快来指正.谢谢.等await等,寂寞到夜深.To await, lonesome to the middle of night.夜,已经荒凉,已经昏暗
没有to wiat这样表示等待的语法

to await 是一种什么用法呢

to await 好像没有这样表示等待的语法把?