英语翻译some dude - im sorry这首歌我想唱啊 可是我不懂英语 谁能帮我白字翻译 不是翻译成中文比如 this is(你斯一斯) 还有一此如果找不到合适的词注 可以用拼音 比较注意发音的地方最好也说

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:20:45

英语翻译some dude - im sorry这首歌我想唱啊 可是我不懂英语 谁能帮我白字翻译 不是翻译成中文比如 this is(你斯一斯) 还有一此如果找不到合适的词注 可以用拼音 比较注意发音的地方最好也说
some dude - im sorry这首歌
我想唱啊 可是我不懂英语 谁能帮我白字翻译 不是翻译成中文
比如 this is(你斯一斯) 还有一此如果找不到合适的词注 可以用拼音 比较注意发音的地方最好也说下 就是想发出来的音不能差太多
我知道这比较费时间 分高点

英语翻译some dude - im sorry这首歌我想唱啊 可是我不懂英语 谁能帮我白字翻译 不是翻译成中文比如 this is(你斯一斯) 还有一此如果找不到合适的词注 可以用拼音 比较注意发音的地方最好也说
this goes out to someone that was
贼死 狗死 奥特 土 桑王 再特 我死
once the most important person in my life
王死 则 某死特 音跑藤特 pe森 音 卖 赖夫
i didn't realize it at the time
爱敌等特 瑞哦来自一特爱特则太亩
i can't forgive myself for the way i treated you so
爱康特 否给傅 卖赛尔夫 佛 则 位 爱 取铁的 有 艘
i don't really expect you to either
爱东特 瑞哦来自一颗四百科特有土爱泽
it's just...i don't even know
一词家私特 爱东特意文nou
just listen...
you're the one that i want,the one that i need
有啊 则亡在特爱往特,则亡爱昵的
the one that i gotta have just to succeed
when i first saw you,i knew it was real
i'm sorry about the pain i made you feel
that wasn't me; let me show you the way
i looked for the sun,but it's raining today
i remember when i first looked into your eyes
it was like god was there,heaven in the skies
i wore a disguise 'cause i didn't want to get hurt
but i didn't know i made everything worse
you told me we were crazy in love
but you didn't care when push came to shove
if you loved me as much as you said you did
then you wouldn't have hurt me like i ain't shit
now you pushed me away like you never even knew me
i loved you with my heart,really and truly
i guess you forgot about the times that we shared
when i would run my fingers through your hair
late nights,just holding you in my arms
i don't know how i could do you so wrong
i really wanna show you i really need to hold you
i really wanna know you like no one could else know you
you're number one,always in my heart
and now i can't believe that our love is torn apart
refrain:i need you and
i miss you and
i want you and
i love you 'cause
i wanna hold you,
i wanna kiss you
you were my everything
and i really miss you (2x)
i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man
and then sit and laugh as you're holding his hand
the thought of that just shatters my heart
it breaks in my soul and it tears me apart
at times we was off i was scared to show you
now i wanna hold you until i can't hold you
without you,everything seems strange
your name is forever planted in my brain
damn it,i'm insane,
take away the pain
take away the hurt
baby,we can make it work
what about when you
looked into my eyes
told me you loved me
as you would hugged me
i guess everything you said was a lie
i think about it,it brings tears to my eyes
now i'm not even a thought in your mind
i can see clearly,my love is not blind
i just wish everything could have turned out differently
i had a special feeling about you
i thought maybe you did too
you would understand,but...
no matter what,you'll always be in my heart
you'll always be my baby
our first day,it seemed so magical
i remember all the time that i had with you
remember when you first came to my house?
you looked like an angel wearing that blouse
we hit it off,i knew it was real
but now i can't take all the pain that i feel
reach in your heart,i know i'm still there
i don't wanna hear that you no longer care
remember the times?remember when we kissed?
i didn't think you would ever do me like this
i didn't think you'd wanna see me depressed
i thought you'd be there for me,this i confess
you said you were my best friend,was that a lie?
now i'm nothing to you,you're with another guy
i tried,i tried,i tried,and i'm trying
now on the inside it feels like i'm dying
[talking] and i do miss you
i just thought we were meant to be
i guess now,we'll never know
the only thing i want is for you to be happy
whether it be with me,or without me
i just want you to be happy

One thing that I've always wanted to do ever since I was little,
(剜 sing 在t 爱乌 欧wi思 望替的 吐 杜 哀ue sinc 哀 我思 肋偷)
I've always wanted to be abducted by a UFO.
(爱乌 欧wi思 望替的 吐...


One thing that I've always wanted to do ever since I was little,
(剜 sing 在t 爱乌 欧wi思 望替的 吐 杜 哀ue sinc 哀 我思 肋偷)
I've always wanted to be abducted by a UFO.
(爱乌 欧wi思 望替的 吐 逼 eb搭k替的 拜 UFO)
Yeah sometimes, I just go hang out in the woods.
(邺 撒木太木兹 哀 炸思t 够 汗g 奥t 因 啧 物的思)
Im just waiting for that blue light (UFO noise) AHHHHHH.
(爱慕 炸思t 威艇 佛 在t 部路 赖t ufo 闹艾滋 )
Thats how they suck you up, by a beam of light.
(在ts 号 贼 萨k 又 阿p 拜 额 必母 欧夫 赖t)
They suck you up by your chest. and thats not nessecary,
(贼 萨k 又 阿p 拜 有s chist and 在ts 闹t 乃si瑟瑞)
through a rope ladder down, I'll climb up.
思(入 额 绕p 来de 当 哀欧 k赖mb 阿p)
I'm interested, I'm here for you.
(哀母 因吹思替的 哀母 hie 佛 又)
Don't suck me up by my chest, that hurts.
(东t 萨k 密 啊p 拜 买 chist 在t 贺ts)
ou're a hovering craft,
(奥啊 额 好vering kruaift)
why wouldnt I come in and poke around for a minute.
(外 乌dent 哀 kam in and pouk)
It would be great to be abducted, what did you guys do this weekend?
(yit wud bi 贵t tu bi eb搭k替的 waot did 又 个油s du zis wikand)
Dude we got hammered, it was awesome.
(dad wi gaot haomed yit wez ewisam)
Oh yeah, I was abducted. I was zippin around the galaxy. haha.
(哦 夜 哀 eb搭k替的 ai wes zpin eruangd 啧 个来可si 哈哈)
Sometimes if I think about, if UFO's come down,
(撒木太木兹 yif 哀 singk 额报t yif ufos 卡m 当)
I get a little concerned because then I thought this scenario,
(哀 该t 额 肋偷 肯kend 笔靠兹 怎 哀 嗦t zis s开ne瑞)
this would be the altimate, full circle, slap in the face of the united states.
(zis wud 笔 啧 哀欧替妹t 夫欧 瑟口 s赖p 因 啧 费s 欧f 啧 安替的 s带s)
What if this happens, because look, we're the greatest country on earth,
(waot 易f zis 嗨喷s 笔靠兹 路k wi 啊 啧 guritist 抗吹 昂 额s)
but we get a little cocky from time to time.
(爸t wi 该t 额 肋偷 kaoki 夫ruangm 太母 )
if we don't like the way your country is doin its business,
yif wi 东t 赖k 啧 喂 有 抗吹 is 杜因 its 鼻子nis)
we'll kick the door in, (door noise)
(wi欧 kik 啧 剁 因 剁 闹易s)
Hey, hey, knock it off, you're buggin the world, cut it out.
(黑 黑 闹k yit 欧f 有阿 扒gin 啧 乌ed 卡tyit 奥t)
And if you don't listen to us, well through all kinds of weapons
(安的 yif 有 懂t 来sens 吐 啊s 外欧 思入 欧 看ds 欧f 歪剖n)
and crazy shit at 'cha.
(安d kruaiz 诗yit 哀特 cha)
which we always apologize about using 20 or 30 years later,
(wi吃 wi 欧wi思 额抛例子 额报t 优sing 团体 哦 瑟替 易耳s 肋te)
listen we're really sorry about that, we were a little drunk at the time,
(赖森 wi啊 rili 骚ri 额报t 在t wi 乌我 额 肋偷 zhwink 哀t 啧 太m)
and we got a little rambunchous. the bomb,
(安的 wi 高t 额 肋偷 ruaim爸恩臭z 啧 boumb)
we didnt know it was gonna do that.
(wi 低dent nou yit 我s 高恩那 在t)
we thought it was a contained blast and we didnt know
(wi 嗦t yit 我思 额 肯探的 不辣思t 安d wi 低dent nou)
it would make everything blow into smitherines.
(yit 乌的 妹k 哀乌瑞sing 不漏 印吐 是密啧瑞ns)
and you were being kinda a bitch, country, country,
(安的 又 乌额 逼应 看大 额 必吃 抗吹 抗吹)
you were being kinda a bitch.
(又 乌额 逼应 看大 额 必吃)
Are we cool now? Do you mind if we leave 3/4 thousand toops and
(啊 wi 酷欧 闹 杜油慢d yif wi 立乌 s瑞s 佛 骚zend 吐ps 安d)
maybe some supplies here,
(妹逼 萨m 萨p立s hie)
you dont mind that do ya? DO YA MIND???
(又 东t 慢d 在t 杜 呀 杜 呀 慢d)
You wouldnt want us to get drunk again would ya!?
(又 乌dent 王t 啊s 吐 盖t zhringk 额gin wud 呀)
High five us, photop, (CHING)
(嗨 faiv 啊s 否偷)
We get a little ha, we get a little cocky, what if this happens, oh my god,
(wi 盖t 额 肋偷 嗨 wi 盖特 额 肋偷 哭ki waot yif zis 嗨喷s 哦 买 尬d)
what if this happens.
9waot yif zis 嗨喷s)
what if the mother ship, (booooooom) comes over middle america,
(waot yif 啧 吗啧 ship boooooom kams 欧ve 脉斗 额买瑞k)
and we're all sitting watching tv,
(安d wi啊 欧 siting waoching tv)
all the news crews are focus'd in and were sitting there watching,
(欧 啧 牛s k入s 啊 否ksd 因 安d 乌额 siting 贼额 waoching)
what if when the hatches finally open (chaaaaa)
(waot yif 万 啧 嗨tchiz fai呢立 欧喷)
outta the UFO's come thousands of 100 foot native american indians?!
(奥她 啧 ufos kam 骚zengs 奥f 玩 汗桌d 富t 内替乌 额脉瑞ken 因第安s)
We're gonna be watching like. FUCK those are huge indians.
(wi啊 高那 必 waoching 赖k 发k 走z 啊 哈个 因第安s)
Please tell me there not giant indians, god damnit there huge indians,
(普立思 太哦密 啧额 闹t 哥安t 因第安s 尬的 带m腻t 啧额 哈个 因第安s)
alright good game america, we had some fun huh?
(欧乳癌t 故的 给m 额买瑞k wi 嗨的 萨母 饭 哈)
Higiant indians, we did some shit.and.uhhhh.ah aha ha.
(嗨哥印t 因第安s wi 第的 萨姆 shit 安的 乌哈啊哈)
.could you show us how to make giant corn!!??
(哭的 由 收 啊s 号 吐 妹k 哥印t 口恩)


(Talking)This goes out to someone that was
(说唱)zis 沟子 奥特 突 桑母 匝特 卧子
Once the most important person in my life
碗四 则 某斯特 因母颇忐忑 普洱(连读)森 应 卖 莱夫
I didn’t realize it at the time
爱 第一d...


(Talking)This goes out to someone that was
(说唱)zis 沟子 奥特 突 桑母 匝特 卧子
Once the most important person in my life
碗四 则 某斯特 因母颇忐忑 普洱(连读)森 应 卖 莱夫
I didn’t realize it at the time
爱 第一den 特 瑞儿来自 伊特 阿特 则 太母
I can’t forgive myself for the way I treated you so
爱 抗特 佛giv 卖sei而付 佛 则 为 爱 tritid 有 搜
I don’t really expect you to either
爱 东特 瑞尔里 一刻斯be科特 有 突 爱则
It’s just... I don’t even know
伊刺 扎斯特 爱 东特 伊文 nou
Just listen…
扎斯特 里森
You’re the one that I like, the one that I need
有啊 则 碗 匝特 爱 莱克, 则 碗 匝特 爱 你得
The one that I gotta have just to succeed
则 碗 匝特 爱 go她 哈v 扎斯特 突 se科si得
When I first saw you, I knew it was real
文 爱 份儿(连读)斯特 搜 有, 爱 扭 伊特 我字 瑞尔
I’m sorry about the pain I made you feel
爱慕 搜瑞 啊包特 则 配恩 爱 没得 有 fi儿
That wasn’t me; let me show you the way
匝特 我怎特 米, 莱特 米 受 有 则 为
I looked for the sun, but it’s raining today
I remember when I first looked into your eyes
It was like God was there, heaven in the skies
I wore a disguise "cause I didn’t want to get hurt
But I didn’t know I made everything worse
You told me we were crazy in love
But you didn’t care when push came to shove
If you loved me as much as you said you did
Then you wouldn’t have hurt me like I ain’t shit
Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me
I loved you with my heart, really and trul
I guess you forgot about the times that we shared
When I would run my fingers through your hair
Late nights, just holding you in my arms
I don’t know how I could do you so wrong
I really wanna show you I really need to hold you
I really wanna know you like no one could else know you
you are number one, always in my heart
And now I can’t believe that our love is torn apart
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you ‘cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you ‘cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you
I knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man
And then sit and laugh as you’re holding his hand
The thought of that just shatters my heart
It breaks in my soul and it tears me apart
At times we was off I was scared to show you
Now I wanna hold you until I can’t hold you
Without you, everything seems strange
Your name is forever planted in my brain
Damn it, I’m insane,
Take away the pain
Take away the hurt
Baby, we can make it work
What about when you
Looked into my eyes
Told me you loved me
As you would hugged me
I guess everything you said was a lie
I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes
Now I’m not even a thought in your mind
I can see clearly, my love is not blind
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you ‘cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you ‘cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you
(Talking) I just wish everything could have turned out differently
I had a special feeling about you
I thought maybe you did too
You would understand, but…
No matter what, you’ll always be in my heart
You’ll always be my baby
Our first day, it seemed so magical
I remember all the time that I had with you
Remember when you first came to my house?
You looked like an angel wearing that blouse
We hit it off, I knew it was real
But now I can’t take all the pain that I feel
Reach in your heart, I know I’m still there
I don’t wanna hear that you no longer care
Remember the times? Remember when we kissed?
I didn’t think you would ever do me like this
I didn’t think you’d wanna see me depressed
I thought you’d be there for me, this I confess
You said you were my best friend, was that a lie?
Now I’m nothing to you, you’re with another guy
I tried, I tried, I tried, and I’m trying
Now on the inside it feels like I’m dying
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you ‘cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you ‘cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you
(Talking) And I do miss you
I just thought we were meant to be
I guess now, we’ll never know
The only thing I want is for you to be happy
Whether it be with me, or without me
I just want you to be happy


