阅读短文後,画出文中提到的人物This is a man.he is not very tall.his face is red.he has a very big nose he has long hair and two big eyes.his hair is brown.his arms are short and his hands are big.his legs are long.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:39:16

阅读短文後,画出文中提到的人物This is a man.he is not very tall.his face is red.he has a very big nose he has long hair and two big eyes.his hair is brown.his arms are short and his hands are big.his legs are long.
This is a man.he is not very tall.his face is red.he has a very big nose he has long hair and two big eyes.his hair is brown.his arms are short and his hands are big.his legs are long.

阅读短文後,画出文中提到的人物This is a man.he is not very tall.his face is red.he has a very big nose he has long hair and two big eyes.his hair is brown.his arms are short and his hands are big.his legs are long.
所以只提到一个人:a man.


阅读短文後,画出文中提到的人物This is a man.he is not very tall.his face is red.he has a very big nose he has long hair and two big eyes.his hair is brown.his arms are short and his hands are big.his legs are long. 太阳花这篇阅读短文中用波浪线画出文中的一个拟人句这样写的好处. 阅读短文,画出图形 让生命化蛹为蝶阅读答案1.我们生命中的茧处理文中提到的()()(),还可能是()().2.蝴蝶总理让·克雷蒂安面对他生命中的茧是如何做的?用横线画出短文中的相关语句,并说说自己的 英语题不会,需大家帮忙,问题意思阅读短文,画出小作者的全家福,短文有人物请大家翻译人物名称.%D%Amy name is wang ying .i'm a girl. im short. i'm in red.this is my mother. she has tow big eyes.she is beautiful. she's 短文《老师我站着》 阅读题短文中两次提到“天空晴朗无云”大海碧波荡漾“,这两次分别是什么情况?这样写的好处是什么? 《汉字与中国心》阅读理解《汉字与中国心》阅读题:一:根据你对短文的理解,说一说为什么中国人的凝聚力会那么强?二:文中提到的“大地”、“海内”、“天涯”、“知己”分别指什 阅读短文答案:文中三处最能表现作者爱国的地方 可爱的小鸟阅读答案2.读短文3.4.5.从文中找出能反应小鸟特点的词语 3.用横线画出文中最使你感动的句子,写出你感动的理由. 仔细阅读课文,说说童年时的鲁迅对文中所提到的先生是什么态度? 《送春》 宗璞的阅读答案 1文中提到的兰花,起什么作用? 80枚果子阅读答案,文中提到的风雪有什么用 想家阅读答案 文中两次提到蜡烛,表达了作者怎样的感情 天鹅和鸭子阅读答案文中提到北国,南国的景致特点各是什么 阅读短文:四年级下册寒假学伴第25页的阅读短文《周恩来总理外交风云录》的第一题怎么写?读一读文中画横线的句子.你认为周恩来总理的机智幽默还表现在哪里?用波浪线画出文中相关的 一篇英语阅读短文 画出根据 时针·分针·秒针短文阅读答案画出短文的中心句.给短文分段,写出段意 我的叔叔于勒中提到了哪些人物?他们在文中各自的作用是什么?