
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:07:48



London 1948 Olympic Games by the Second World War, the impact of history's most "primitive" one of the Olympic Games. LOCOG is now worried about is: 2012 London Olympic Games must not repeat the same ...


London 1948 Olympic Games by the Second World War, the impact of history's most "primitive" one of the Olympic Games. LOCOG is now worried about is: 2012 London Olympic Games must not repeat the same mistakes again.
To host the Olympic Games, funds should be in place first. Arrangements for athletes and spectators, organizers have to invest a lot of money to complete this great project. Chinese for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 dropped by about 40 billion U.S. dollars. But in the global economic downturn period, Fang Olympic Games it is very difficult to secure more private or public funding support.
London 2012 Olympic Games is currently the largest funding gap from the athlete's village and the Main Press Center, developers Rand • Leeds because the financial crisis broke out, unable to get more loans from the bank. Although LOCOG has owned the original 4400 room athlete's village reduced to 2800, and magnificent momentum into the Main Press Center removable temporary building, but the funding gap is still expected to reach 400 million pounds, there is no sponsor willing to money, can only be made by the government foot the bill.
In order to save money, LOCOG has been racking their brains, including the decision to the Olympic Games basketball competition at the new one the old one at two venues in order to reduce costs, swimming pool construction funds will be cut off 40 million pounds, but still is hard.
At present, the British Government has used emergency relief funds, but they constantly sent out: "Please prepare athletes psychologically, London Olympic Games and the Beijing Olympics will certainly be compared to the gap."
It was reported that about 13.8 billion U.S. dollars of public funds have been allocated to building the stadium, London 2005 budget has been increased by 8.8 billion U.S. dollars. Although this exceeded the original budget, but the British Government has insisted that will not spend a penny. For example, the British Government announced February 5, from three billion U.S. dollars of emergency funds allocated for the additional 290 million U.S. dollars venue construction costs, as well as 682 million U.S. dollars to make up for the Media Center and the Olympic village shortfall in funds.
The economic crisis is not only cause trouble for the London Olympic Games, but also affect other upcoming events. Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics but also because private capital has not done enough to force the local government set aside more funds, 820 million U.S. dollars to complete the construction of the Olympic Village.
