
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:03:17


1.the new drng will not be.(until).
2.it was because og his good ...(that)...
3.our company ...(another)..
4.according to the .(leaves).
5.althoug she is only .(mature)...
6.the proposal ...(being discussed)...
7.when he patted...(casual)..
8.there is no .(that)...
9.it is reasonable for ...(to)...
10.the weather forecast ..(persist)..

填空题 (改形式)
2.interview--were interviewed
3.It is (be)---be
5.If I (be)--were
8.accept--to accept
1.college is a place to explore many possibilites (文章开头句)

1)we need to plan .(better organizeour...)
2)strategic time are ...(study efficiently)
3)which of the following could be ...(any activities we're...)
4)what can help us to keep ...(taking a short napin...)
5)which of the following could...(study habits andy time...)
2.welcome to our small business set-up guide (文章开头句)
1)this guide is in tended...(start a new small...)
2)what are most unportant for ...(determination...)
3)what does the word ...(advise before hand...)
4)what kind of businesses are ...(those with fener...)
5)more information about ...(link to other relevant...)
1.how to write contact details in your CT? (文章开头句)
top of page (print)...
to be included 1.(address) 2.(email)
not to be included 1.(personal information) such as...
2.(include a photograph) unless it is ..
1. sale contract (文章标题)

1)what is the brand of the apple jam?
答案: Great Wall brand

2)what is the total value of the contract?
答案: US 3000

3)when will the goods be shipped?
答案: august 2009

4)what are the ecrms of...?
答案: by letter of cred it

cash against 交货付款 cash price现金价格

advice of到货通知书 sales contract销售合同

port of arrival到达港 supply agreement供货合同
late payment逾期付款 note of claim索赔通知
trade agreement贸易协定 letter of credit信用证
fixed price固定价格 prompt shipment即期装运

1.when exporting goods it is ...
答案: 为了促进货物出口,减少货物的丢失或者损坏,必须发展保险业

2.if we do not rective payment...
答案: 如果本月底我们还收不到订货,我们就不的不采取其他办法了
3.party B has the .
答案: 乙方有义务在下述情况下,有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同
4.I have already given.
回答者: 220.249.72.* 2010-6-19 10:56
26. A have a passion for sth “对——有强烈的感情、爱好”
27. D look up to“仰慕、尊敬某人”, look forward“期盼,盼望”, look into“调查”, look upon“把——看作,把——视为”
28. A willingly“愿意的”
29. C run risk“冒险”(被动的处于危险之中), take a risk“冒险”,
30. A give leisure to sth “把空闲时间用于——”
31. D so + adj + a(n) + n., such + a(n)+ adj + n
32. C 此处的含义为“不遵守规定登山会很危险”
33. B It is —— that ——为强调句型
34. A 文中的意思为“登山者们自由地选择登山的方法”.
35. D compare with“与——比较”, contrast with“对比、对照”,指比较某一事物与另一事物,以显示它们的相异之处,表现明显的差别.
36. D 连词that引导的从句作系动词 is的表语
37. D between“在——之间”
38. C depend on sb or sth“需要某人或某事的支持和帮助
39. D strength“力量的强度”, power“运用能力或体力和脑力来做某事”, force“实施力量,产生行动或征服对手”.
40. B mental“智力的”, physical“体力的”
41. B year after year后应该选有“持续”之意的动词.
42. C be + in + one's twenties 表示“在某人二十多岁时”
43. A unusual “不寻常的”
44. D 根据文章的含义,爬山者年龄大应该使用更多的时间.
45. D shortage“短缺”, waste“浪费”
46. A 第二段老板提到“是不是到另一家报纸去”根据此推测这是一家报社.
47. C 第二段提到“假如留下,会有生活保障”从而推断若不离开未来生活无忧.
48. C 第二段提到“我要离开公司去开一家新传媒公司”
49. C 第二段提到“老板说从董事会那里得到的75%的消息都是坏消息”从而推断,报社商业处境艰难.
50. C be in one's shoes 为“处于某人的地位”文中指老板赞同作者的看法,表示假如他处于和作者相同的情况,他自己也会做出相同的事.
51. D 第二段“The possible explanation to the trouble is that Peter is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening”.
52. A 第二段最后一句
53. C 第三段“If your energy is low in the morning, but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour”.
54. A 最后一段第一行
55. B 文章开头提到可莱曼特博士有一种新的解释,证明每个人都有一个每日的能量周期,但是后文也提到了每人能解释这个周期.
56. D 由第一段第一句话可推知.
57. B 第一段最后一句“If this view is correct ——”表明作者只是引用这种现象并不确定其正确性.
58. B offset补偿, make up for弥补, set up建立, catch up with赶上
59. B 根据第二段第二句话“A drop of just a few degrees ——”可推知.
60. C 文章是在讨论大气污染给人类带来的潜在影响.
61-65 ABCGD