
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 12:13:10


One day,Anne was playing with her cat on the road in front of her house.Suddenly,the cat ran to the middle of the road,and a boy was riding over.Luckily,the boy braked in time,and the cat was unhurt.Ann ran to her cat and said to it anxiously,"Are you OK?" Seeing it safe and sound,she said "Please "politely to the boy to let him go.

One day,Ann was playing with a little cat.Suddenly the cat ran to the middle of the street and a boy riding a bike quickly stopped.Ann ran to the cat and asked,"Are you ok?",then said to the boy,"Please."

one day, Ann was playing with a kitten in front of her home. The kitten suddenly ran to the middle of the road. A boy hastly brake his bike. Ann ran to the kit and ask, "Are you ok?", and then said to the boy, "Please."

" One day, Ann was playing with her kitten at the door of her home. Suddenly, it rashed to the middle of the road and a boy who was riding a bike stopped quickly. Ann ran to her kitten and asked :"Are you all right?" Then she turned to the boy and said: " Please."


汉译英,不要机译的一天,Ann在家门口与小猫玩.猫突然跑到路中央,一个男孩骑着自行车急忙刹车,Ann跑向猫,问:“你还好吗?”然后对男孩说:“请”. 什么动物在家门口 我总能看见年迈而视力极不好的奶奶拄着拐杖站在家门口翘首等待的身影缩句,如果不会不要乱说, 我的世界1.5.2 怎么在家标记?我糊里糊涂的在家门口弄了俩标记 然后再想弄 在烈日炎炎的下午,莫泊桑站在家门口观察马车,只见.加上神态动作描写 守在家门口 就是不愁吃 什么动物 小偷在家门口画三角形是什么意思 今天在家闷了一天的英文怎么说? 黑红相间的蛇有毒么一圈黑一圈红德蛇,晚上11点在家门口看见的,有没有毒 做梦梦到发了大水,我和妈妈把整栋楼的暖壶都抢救过放在家门口 还灌满水, 根据Ann的家庭照片,写一篇60词左右的作文.英语、 这是 一个星期六的早晨,Ann的一家都忙碌着.Ann的爸爸正在修车,Ann的妈妈在浇花,Ann的弟弟在屋子外面擦窗户,而Ann他在安静的读书,这一天,天气 求一个“门牌号码”智力题的答案刘力家住在这条十里长街的一端,他家的门牌号用数字写出是一个四位数.一天,刘力在家门口做倒立发现自家的门牌号码倒着看也是一个四位数,而且比原来的 读下面的故事,写一篇作文有一天,大毛呆在家里,一天门铃响了,他开门,一看是只蜗牛,他一脚把蜗牛踢飞了.10年后的一天,大毛在家,门铃响了,又是那只蜗牛站在门口说“刚刚你干吗踢我啊!”听 学校和小明、小红两家都在同一条路上,而且学校是在小明和小红两家之间,小明和小红两家之间的路程大约是700米.一天小明和小红约好在家同在7时上学,过了8分钟小明到学校门口,知道小红已 流浪汉又在家门口,我预哭无泪,我该怎么办? 小偷在家门口墙壁上写s什么意思 春节时,我在家门口贴上了 这副春联 ann的意思k