英语翻译对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔 龙跃凤鸣 龙骧虎步 忠实走狗”、“看家狗”,狗苟蝇营”、“狗彘不若” 用英文翻译一下 并注明对上号

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 17:55:15

英语翻译对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔 龙跃凤鸣 龙骧虎步 忠实走狗”、“看家狗”,狗苟蝇营”、“狗彘不若” 用英文翻译一下 并注明对上号
对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔 龙跃凤鸣 龙骧虎步 忠实走狗”、“看家狗”,狗苟蝇营”、“狗彘不若” 用英文翻译一下 并注明对上号

英语翻译对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔 龙跃凤鸣 龙骧虎步 忠实走狗”、“看家狗”,狗苟蝇营”、“狗彘不若” 用英文翻译一下 并注明对上号
1 对牛弹琴 cast pearls before swine;(直译为“把珍珠扔到猪面前”)
2 牛蹄之涔 limited capacity
3龙跃凤鸣 leaping dragon and singing phoenix
4 龙骧虎步 full of power and grandeur (直译为“力量气势和庄严宏伟”)
5 忠实走狗 truly lackey
6 看家狗 watchdog
7 狗苟蝇营 shamelessly seek personal gain (直译为“无耻地追求个人利益”)
8 狗彘不若 worse than a cur or swine (直译为“比野狗或猪都卑贱”)

Cast your pearls before swine ", "bulls of LongYueFeng sound Cen hoof LongXiang HuBu faithful running dogs", "watchdog", GouGouYingYing ", "the dog Zhi if not"

1.the devil is in the detail.
2. Pipe down.
3. Pull your leg.
4. the whole nine yards.
5. when pigs fly.
6.bule moon.
7.Devil's advocate.
8. Hi...


1.the devil is in the detail.
2. Pipe down.
3. Pull your leg.
4. the whole nine yards.
5. when pigs fly.
6.bule moon.
7.Devil's advocate.
8. Hit the sack.
9. no room to swing a cat.
10. until the cows come home.
11.learn the ropes.
12.beat around the bush.
13.put your foot in it.
14. it takes two to tango.
15. over the top.
16. your making a moutain out of a mole hill.
17. a blessing in disguise.
18. hold your hourse


问题补充:是翻译 ,不是绕口令 请快点回答 英语高手在不? 绕口令? 一眼是个累赘的是一只黑色的羊是黑色的经济 一只黑色的图片是一只黑色的