一道英语语法选择题,有点纠结The days are gone forever,_ we suffered from hunger and cold.用when还是which,我知道这是非限制可后面的句子是完整的这时该怎么办?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:02:32

一道英语语法选择题,有点纠结The days are gone forever,_ we suffered from hunger and cold.用when还是which,我知道这是非限制可后面的句子是完整的这时该怎么办?
The days are gone forever,_ we suffered from hunger and cold.

一道英语语法选择题,有点纠结The days are gone forever,_ we suffered from hunger and cold.用when还是which,我知道这是非限制可后面的句子是完整的这时该怎么办?
正确的句子是:The days are gone forever when we suffered from hunger and cold.
析:这是一个分隔式定语从句.when 引导的是限制性定语从句其先行词是the days,被谓语are gone forever隔开.为得是句子的平衡.如紧跟先行词,则为:The days when we suffered from hunger and cold are gone forever.则句子显得头重脚轻(主语太长,谓语太短).隔离之后并不会造成歧义(are gone forever没有一个是名词!)
此题不论有没有逗号,空格处都不应填which,因为从句中不缺主语(主语是we,不缺宾语,suffered from有宾语 hunger and cold (发现题句有问题,cold应为coldness,否则就是感冒了).而which是关系代词,在从句中要作主语或宾语的,不论它指的是前面的整句话(不合逻辑),还是名词the days.(不是专有名词,没有前文,需要加以限定)


we suffered from hunger and cold虽然不缺主谓宾,但是缺时间状语


when.这是个定语从句。先行词the days 指时间在从句中做时间状语


应该用when。如果是which的话,应该是in which

We suffered from hunger and clod during the days.

B like doing和like to do都表示"喜欢做某事",但动名词所表示的动作,在意义上比较一般和抽象,时间观念不强,不指某一次动作;动词不定式则常指某个

当然是WHEN,关系副词。替代during which或in which。

when, 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰the days ,在定语从句中作时间状语。我们挨饿受冻的日子一去不复返了。

which 因为后面主要表达的是过程 不是时间



用when,相当于in which(in the days),不能只用which

which吧,要是我我会写that。。 not sure

应该是用WHEN 吧,我觉得那个先行词应该是前面的THE DAYS 仅供参考

一道英语语法选择题,有点纠结The days are gone forever,_ we suffered from hunger and cold.用when还是which,我知道这是非限制可后面的句子是完整的这时该怎么办? 有点纠结 关于a和the区别的一道选择题,有点纠结!比如说:We live in__age when we can get much information on__Internet.第二空是the,这个我还能理解,但是第一个空为什么不能是the而是an呢?不是说冠词the表示特指么?wh 英语语法选择题, 一道英语过去完成时的选择题,有点困惑 一道英语语法选择题,请说明原因,谢谢.The cakes at this bakery____well every day.A. are sold B.sell C.sold D.were sold 这是一道选择题,怎么写啊,为什么啊,无限纠结ing~(>_ 一篇英语语法选择题, 一篇英语语法选择题, 一道英语语法题,想不通的.纠结中.The coffee is wonderful!It dosen't taste like anything I _____before.A was having B have C have ever D had ever had 而且我答案确实没错。我很纠结啊。 一道初中英语题(冠词问题)___ are usually cheap in this shop 请问填Model ships还是The model ships?是选择题哦,一定要选一个……我很纠结 一道纠结的选择题 The kids _____ him a lot.A love B need C join D listen (上文说他教孩子们2小时的吉他,他工作非常认真) 这题选什么啊 一道纠结的英语选择题,Yeaterday it snowed.Now the roads( ) still( ) snow.A、be ,covered with B、 were,covered withC、 are ,covered with D、are ,covering with到底是选C还是D,为什么? 一道纠结的化学题 一道英语语法选择题The map is one of the best tools a man has ( ) he goes to a new place.A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.however我选了D.答案是A…… 一道英语语法选择题,不定式的问题He hurried to the station only -----that the train had left.A to find B finding C found D being floowed为什么不选D,不是被支付吗 选择题一道 选择题一道