by the back door中by的意思

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by the back door中by的意思
by the back door中by的意思

by the back door中by的意思

靠近,倚靠或在它的附近的意思. (在后门边上)

to stand by the wall
a house by a river

by 前面应该有一个动词,比如 pass/go/step等等,表示经过、路过等,具体的还要看前面的动词是什么。

在……附近的意思。有一首英文经典歌曲不是叫 By the Shore of River Babylon 么!就是这个意思。

by the back door中by的意思 9.The thief was noticed _____the office building by the back door on the screen. Please enter the house by the back door.请从后门进屋.我把by改成form行吗? By doing these simple things,we surely can go out of the door happily and come back home safe every这个句子中come back home safe 里面的safe做什么成分,修饰动词不是应该用副词吗? Standing by and waiting at your back door The door was closed by me 和The door was closed 的区别 If you really have to leave during the meeting,you'd better leave_____the back door.A.for;;C.across;D.out 答案给的是B,是leave by为一个整体,还是by the back door为一个整体【就是怎么断句啊 /疑问】为什么其他几个选 at the door和by the door有什么区别 the door was closed by me they __to enter the building by the back door:however,the front door was locked.A weren not supposed Bwould not be supposedCwere supposedDwould be supposed If you really have to leave during the meeting,you had better leave_the back door.填for by across还 21.He was ___ by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.空格里应该填什么? the key is used by people for opening the door 】 连词成句:by the the he purse door found. You may ask the man standing by the door 介词 by和acrossIf you really have to leave during the meeting,you had better leave _______ the back door.为什么不用across? he opened the door------(with,by,of) his sky.选用正确的介词填空 they were i______ by a knock at the door