
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 08:21:52


Deep infiltration of green tea in Japanese culture. First of all, there is one point worth noting is that when the mere mention of the Japanese tea (ocha), it usually refers to the green. A LITTLE trivial when necessary in order to visit the neighbors, the drink a cup of tea, things often can be solved satisfactorily. Visit the company, the guests must be treated on a cup of tea. Moreover, the Japanese tea before the process is about, how much tea and water temperature have said the first.
  Recently, however, the majority of people reject this traditional way of tea, tea drinking start to accept the new way of instant tea. From vending machines to supermarkets, this tea can be seen everywhere, not only have black tea, Chinese tea, green tea, have a number of other special materials to add the tea.
  Now on the Japanese market appeared in a variety of bottled tea, green tea from the simple to the hybrid tea.
  Easy to carry tea
  This tea is popular because a 500 ml bottle of imported tea. The size of its consumer-friendly a drink that can then be covered with lids, so as not to splash out tea. And very easy to carry. Traditional tea can only enjoy at the indoor, which allow people to bottled tea in the street or anywhere in the mountains are能喝到.
  Many manufacturers have introduced such a bottled tea, perhaps the market at present has more than 100 kinds of bottled tea. Its market volume of transactions in 1993 from 800 billion yen (RMB 1 in accordance with the ¥ 14.82 commuted basis, around 5.4 billion kg) in 1999 rose to ¥ 160,000,000,000 (around 10.8 billion yuan kg) and look in the next five years to double in another.
  Bottled tea types include not only the orthodox green tea, the leaves of other plants have made the tea, such as: Persimmon leaves, grass Hachijo (ashitaba) leaves cordata leaf vegetables, as well as bamboo hair and so on. Almost any kind of plants can be made from tea leaves. In addition to these somewhat strange tea, tea merchants also add spices and other plant materials, thus increasing the aroma and taste of tea.
  Apart from the major domestic manufacturers of tea tea brands, there are a number of local production of a special role, such as bitter gourd turmeric tea, they insist in the market with its own characteristics, and those who contend with well-known brands.
  Various types of tea has also been noted that this may be in the open air tea drinking has been popular, they quickly respond to the introduction of new varieties of this tea house, increase customer choice and provide a variety of sugar, I hope through this modified effort to catch up with the pace of time. Much of the small Japanese tea franchise restaurants have opened, they allow customers to select their favorite tea.
  Using green tea as the raw material into food or drink is a bold attempt, the emergence of such new products is triggering a new trend. Many manufacturers in the production of such Western-style dessert of green tea taste, consumers only need to spend a little money, you can enjoy the expensive taste of green tea powder. Some manufacturers have developed a hybrid tea or coffee, dairy products, with coffee machines are made. Such beverages in the United States are also welcomed.
  Although a variety of popular new tea, but it is feared that a new generation of young people no opportunity to enjoy authentic tea, because they only know that this drink in a plastic bottle of tea. Unavoidable, the majority of people today, the traditional tea ceremony is not so familiar with, but the thought of being brought up these children are not at home the opportunity to experience the kind of warm tea to enjoy happy, really are a sad thing.
  各类茶馆也已经注意到这种可在露天饮用的茶已深入人心,他们迅速作出反应,把这种新品种引入茶馆,增加顾客的选择范围,并且提供各种糖,希望通过这种改良,极力追赶时代的步伐. 许多专营日本茶的小餐馆也纷纷开业,他们允许顾客挑选自己喜欢的茶叶.
  用绿茶为原料做成食品或饮料是一种大胆的尝试,这种新产品的出现正引发一股新的潮流. 许多制造商在生产这种绿茶口味的西式甜点,消费者只需花一点钱,就能品尝到昂贵的绿茶粉的滋味.还有一些制造商开发出了混合茶或咖啡的乳制品,用煮咖啡的机器制成.这种饮料在美国也受到了欢迎.