这些阅读理解题怎么写?Emily and Paul are going to see their grandparents.They want to stay with them for the weekend.It is the first time the two children will stay away from home without(没有) mum and dad.They feel very grown-up(成熟的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 12:57:24

这些阅读理解题怎么写?Emily and Paul are going to see their grandparents.They want to stay with them for the weekend.It is the first time the two children will stay away from home without(没有) mum and dad.They feel very grown-up(成熟的
Emily and Paul are going to see their grandparents.They want to stay with them for the weekend.It is the first time the two children will stay away from home without(没有) mum and dad.They feel very grown-up(成熟的).Grandpa and grandma live quite far away(远离).When they get there,grandpa is in the garden.
"You're here at last(终于:) l' he says,giving them a great big hug(拥抱).
Granny welcomes them at the door."You have grown!" Granny says,and leads the way upstairs to their bedroom.After supper,they take a walk and then go to bed.They are still excited.
( )1.Emily and Paul often go to see their grandparents on their farm.
( )2.Their home is not far from grandpa and grandma's.
( )3.When they get there,grandma is in the garden.
( )4.Their bedroom is upstairs in the building.
( )5.They are excited about staying with their grandparents.
Harry is nine years old.He goes to the school next to his home.He always walks to and back from school.One day he comes back home from school late.His mother sees him and asks him,"Why are you late Harry?"
"My teacher is very angry(生气) and asks you to go to her office tomorrow.”
"To her office?Why?" his mother asks."Because she asks a question in the class and I am the only person who can answer it.” says Harry.
"You are s0 clever,my son.” his mother says with a smile.
"Her question is who put the tomato on my chair and make my trousers dirty(脏)?" says Harry.
( )6._______ can answer the teacher's question in class.
A.Nobody B.Harry
C.Many students D.A few students
( )7.There's a _______ on the teacher's chair.
A.tomato B.book
C.pen D.bag
( )8.The teacher asks Harry's mother to school because _______.
A.Harry is nine
B.Harry goes to school on foot
C.Harry's home isn't far from the school
D.Harry makes her angry
( )9.The teacher's trousers are dirty because _______.
A.she falls(跌到) to the ground(地面)
B.it is raining hard(下大雨)
C.she sits on a tomato
D.she puts her cup on the chair

这些阅读理解题怎么写?Emily and Paul are going to see their grandparents.They want to stay with them for the weekend.It is the first time the two children will stay away from home without(没有) mum and dad.They feel very grown-up(成熟的


