翻译:take off翻译:Tour guide wanted to take visitors tp Berlin off the beaten track and came up with the novel idea of showing them some of the German capital's most famous toilets

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 01:01:00

翻译:take off翻译:Tour guide wanted to take visitors tp Berlin off the beaten track and came up with the novel idea of showing them some of the German capital's most famous toilets
翻译:take off
翻译:Tour guide wanted to take visitors tp Berlin off the beaten track and came up with the novel idea of showing them some of the German capital's most famous toilets

翻译:take off翻译:Tour guide wanted to take visitors tp Berlin off the beaten track and came up with the novel idea of showing them some of the German capital's most famous toilets
take off 脱掉 起飞 起跳 发射 匆匆离开等意 可以意译
翻译:导游打算带着游客离开柏林的繁华人烟(beaten track :常规 俗世人烟)突然想到一个主意--带他们去参观德国首都最著名的洗手间.
(感觉这个句子好诡异哦 = =)

