入大学的感受的英文稿刚入大学,刚军训完,我想在第一节英语课上用英文介绍 自己刚入大学的感想,介绍时间5-10分钟.谁能帮我想一篇好点的.要中英文对照的.语法错误少.回答满意另加40分.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:36:14

入大学的感受的英文稿刚入大学,刚军训完,我想在第一节英语课上用英文介绍 自己刚入大学的感想,介绍时间5-10分钟.谁能帮我想一篇好点的.要中英文对照的.语法错误少.回答满意另加40分.
刚入大学,刚军训完,我想在第一节英语课上用英文介绍 自己刚入大学的感想,介绍时间5-10分钟.谁能帮我想一篇好点的.要中英文对照的.语法错误少.

入大学的感受的英文稿刚入大学,刚军训完,我想在第一节英语课上用英文介绍 自己刚入大学的感想,介绍时间5-10分钟.谁能帮我想一篇好点的.要中英文对照的.语法错误少.回答满意另加40分.
My name is XX from XXXXXX
To 10 days although the University has not much experience of university life but there are still a first impression - free and easy!
First of all,like all freshmen to attend military training very tired but there are a lot of fun songs and shouting slogans and drawing instructors have made me feel pleasant chat I remember the first seven days of military training instructor for one of our troops a lot of things have been transferred back to students are reluctant to several other boys cried .military training in a short time we realized that what is called the soldiers we have learned to understand the adherence is a strong victory in a period of two weeks of training in the 30 end of the hope that our ranks The parade has good performance.dormitory living for several provinces feeling pretty good that is not accustomed to seeing generous attempts to speak Putonghua are engaged in a practice a little bit depressed I was stunned and speechless.The real university life would be after the 11 I will try to make my college life wonderful .
我的名字叫XX 来自于XXXXXX
来大学已经10天了 虽然经历的东西不多 但是对大学生活还是有个初步印象——轻松 自由 !
和所有大一新生一样 首先要参加军训 很累 但是也有不少乐趣 喊口号 拉歌 和教官闲聊 都让我感到愉悦~记得在军训第7天我们的一位教官因事被调回部队 好多同学都舍不得 还有几个男生都哭了.在短暂的军训期间我们领悟到了什么叫做军人 我们学会了坚强 懂得了坚持就是胜利 为期半个月的训练在30号结束 希望我们的排在会操中有好的表现.寝室住了几个外省的 感觉不错 蛮仗义 就是不大习惯说普通话 搞的有点郁闷 一搞我就楞住了 .真正的大学生活会在十一后开始 我将努力让我的大学生活精彩 .