
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:50:55


Don't Stay up at Night.
Today more and more students are inclined to stay up at night.They enjoy the night so much that they don't go to bed until deep into the night or even until the next morning.Hower that would do harm to their health.Students who usually stay up can get tired the next day and they often sleep in class.They can't listen to the teachers heart and soul.As time goes on,they will do bad in their study ,and will be poor health.
For these reasons,I would like to advise those students who are staying up not to do that again!You should go to bed before 11 in the evening.Will you take my advice?

针对身边通宵上的同学写一篇英语作文(词数120左右) 上大学 好处英语作文就是围绕上大学的好处写英语作文120词数 请根据要求写一篇英语作文,词数60左右. 写一篇怎样教外国朋友学汉语的英语作文词数100左右 求一篇关于光盘行动的英语作文~词数150~如果可以的话手工写~ 写一篇与环保有关的英语作文,词数80~100词之间! 以二手烟的危害写一篇英语作文,词数120左右. 以 reward for labor{对劳动的奖励}写一篇英语作文词数80左右, 英语写一篇作文邀请同学来参加我的聚会我邀请我的朋友刘敬参加我的生日聚会等写的时候可以加一点儿词数在50-60之间英语作文, 找一篇英语阅兵式的作文词数100字左右. 作文《我身边的同学》怎么写? 上通宵 英语怎么说 求一篇英语作文,中考在即,为此阳光中学在九年级组织了一次“怎样备考”的主题班会,同学们交流了各自的做法.也请你针对备考打算谈谈你的看法作文要求1.词数100字左右2.条理清楚,词义连 英语书面表达(英语作文)根据你们班同学以什么方式来上学的实际情况,写一篇调查报告,题目为How do students get to school?词数不少于60字 一篇英语作文,词数80个左右 写一篇身边的小名人作文, 以身边的感动写一篇作文, 求一篇英语作文:the dictionary《字典》,词数100左右,最好是自己写的.最好不是转载的~