catch up with同义词是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 03:52:05

catch up with同义词是什么?
catch up with同义词是什么?

catch up with同义词是什么?
catch up
1.succeed in pursuing;overtake;follow and finally reach 赶上;追上
*You'd better drive faster,beacuse the others are catching up quickly.你最好快点开,别人很快就会赶上来.
*You go on ahead;I'll catch you up in a few minutes.你前面走,我将在几分钟内赶上.
*There was a tenmile chase before the thieves were caught up by the police car.追了10英里,警察的车子才赶上盗窃犯.
2.seize hurriedly;take or pick up suddenly;be dragged into 突然拿起;匆忙抓住;被抱进
*He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back.当球向前滚动时,他急忙抓了起来就向后投去.
*He caught up a stick and struck out at that man.他急忙抓起一根木棍向那人打去.
3.capture or trap … in a situation;concern or interest very much 俘获;卷进;非常关心或极感兴趣(常与in连用在被动结构中)
*His clothing was caught up in the machine.他的衣服被卷进了机器中.
*He regretted having been caught up in the affair.他后悔当初卷进了这件事.
*I was so caught up in the movie that I forgot the time.我对这部电影入了迷,以至于连时间都忘了.
4.adopt 采用;借用
*These phrases were caught up and immediately became popular.这些短语已被采用而且很快就流行了.
5.provide with the latest information 提供…最新消息
*They caught us up on what's happening at the front.他们把前线的最新消息告诉了我们.
6.follow and understand 听懂; 理解
*They can't catch up what the foreign guest said.他们听不懂外宾讲的话.

seize , get up to


因为slow 本身就可以做副词,和slowly没什么区别副词可以修饰副词 tootoslow,slowly;quick,quickly等等异形同义词。当然,现代英语的语言规范性要求

catch up to

keep pace
come up

keep up with