还是一句英语句子local animal rights people have worked to secure court orders against the hunts.我觉得local animal rights people是主语,worked to译为依照……办事,against the hunts是反对打猎,那secure court orders是什么意

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 02:27:46

还是一句英语句子local animal rights people have worked to secure court orders against the hunts.我觉得local animal rights people是主语,worked to译为依照……办事,against the hunts是反对打猎,那secure court orders是什么意
local animal rights people have worked to secure court orders against the hunts.
我觉得local animal rights people是主语,worked to译为依照……办事,against the hunts是反对打猎,那secure court orders是什么意思呢?是安全法院条例吗?不太通呀.

还是一句英语句子local animal rights people have worked to secure court orders against the hunts.我觉得local animal rights people是主语,worked to译为依照……办事,against the hunts是反对打猎,那secure court orders是什么意
secure court orders这里边secure sth是做去得到什么东西的意思.

local animal rights是主语,people have worked to做后置定语
secure是动词,secure sb sth

secure court orders这里边secure sth是做去得到什么东西的意思。。。

还是一句英语句子local animal rights people have worked to secure court orders against the hunts.我觉得local animal rights people是主语,worked to译为依照……办事,against the hunts是反对打猎,那secure court orders是什么意 这句英语该怎么说:我最喜爱的动物是狗.My favorite animal is dog.还是Dog is my favorite animal.到底该怎么说吗? 分析一句英语句子的结构与成分There are many tapes of vegetarians,some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.我想问一下some of whom don't even eat animal products such as milk,eggs,or yougurt.中为什 一句比较优美的英语句子 英语中的当地人怎么说native people还是local people “动物世界”用英语怎么说?是animal world,animals' world还是animal-world? 英语同义句转换 Animal Center will look after animals 帮我把一句英语句子改成被动语态的.What made them so worried?改成被动语态的句子,还是要疑问句的不要改成陈述句. an useful animal?还是a useful animal? an animal还是a animal说明为什么? an animal doctor还是a animal doctor 七年级下册英语Unit 11的练习题一丶根据句意及首字母提示完成句子.1.Tonight,I'm going to w____ Man and Nature.2.Today,the w____ was cool,so we decided to play tennis.3.The soap opera is too long,I can't s_____ it.4.Animal World 请帮忙分析一句英语长句的结构句子为Also,Tannase can be used in the preparation of animal feeding using as culture support the mycelial wastes from penicillin manufacture.我想问using as 在此是什么成分,作何翻译,顺便帮 用英语说的一句有关想家的句子 高一 英语 完成句子 同义句转换 英语提问:副词在以下句子中的位置能否进行如下调整.原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2: 英语提问:以下句子中的副词可以进行如下位置变换吗?原句:Now experts were sure that the animal really was a tiger.改句1:Experts were now sure that the animal was really a tiger.(now,really均放be动词之后)改句2: Which animal do you like best?(把句子变成同义句)