问一句话的理解The innovative parts of the book threaten to disappear beneath repetitive and familiar depictions of the city as a busy world.请教这句话中threaten to disappear beneath 如何理解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 04:16:12

问一句话的理解The innovative parts of the book threaten to disappear beneath repetitive and familiar depictions of the city as a busy world.请教这句话中threaten to disappear beneath 如何理解
The innovative parts of the book threaten to disappear beneath repetitive and familiar depictions of the city as a busy world.
请教这句话中threaten to disappear beneath 如何理解

问一句话的理解The innovative parts of the book threaten to disappear beneath repetitive and familiar depictions of the city as a busy world.请教这句话中threaten to disappear beneath 如何理解
这里是取 threaten 这个词的不及物意义,即:有.的危险.这句话是说,那本书里本来有些创新的部分,但是这些创新的东西有可能淹没在下面提到的那些重复描写之中(或者说“有被这些东西淹没的危险”).