墨西哥湾漏油事件 英文简介英文基本简介 中文见百科 不要用Google翻译 下午要用

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墨西哥湾漏油事件 英文简介英文基本简介 中文见百科 不要用Google翻译 下午要用
墨西哥湾漏油事件 英文简介
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墨西哥湾漏油事件 英文简介英文基本简介 中文见百科 不要用Google翻译 下午要用
Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill
Main article:Deepwater Horizon oil spill
On April 21,2010,the Deepwater Horizon oil platform,located in the Mississippi Canyon about 40 miles off the Louisiana coast,suffered a catastrophic explosion; it sank a day-and-a-half later.[14] Although initial reports indicated that relatively little oil had leaked,by April 24,it was discovered that approximately 1,000 barrels (42,000 gallons) of oil per day were issuing from the wellhead,about a mile below the surface on the ocean floor.[15] On April 29,the U.S.government revealed that approximately 5,000 barrels of oil per day (210,000 gallons),five times the original estimate,were pouring into the Gulf from the wellhead.[16] The resulting oil slick quickly expanded to cover hundreds of square miles of ocean surface,posing a serious threat to marine life and adjacent coastal wetlands,and to the livelihoods of Gulf Coast shrimpers and fishermen.[17] Coast Guard Rear Adm.Sally Brice O’Hare stated that the U.S.government will be “employing booms,skimmers,chemical dispersants and controlled burns” to combat the oil spill.As of May 1,2010,the oil spill cleanup efforts are underway,but hampered by rough seas and the "tea like" consistency of the oil.As of May 27,2010,USGS had revised the estimate of the leak from 5,000 barrels a day to 12,000-19,000 barrels a day.[18]

Since the rig explosion on April 20, oil has been spewing from a deepwater well in the Gulf of Mexico. For the first month, the oil stayed mostly in the gulf, but beginning in the last week of May, wa...


Since the rig explosion on April 20, oil has been spewing from a deepwater well in the Gulf of Mexico. For the first month, the oil stayed mostly in the gulf, but beginning in the last week of May, waves of oil have washed onto about 70 miles of Louisiana’s fragile wetlands and beaches.
The landings are based on surveys of the Louisiana coastline released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Consistent reporting for where oil has made landfall in Mississippi, Alabama and Florida is not yet available. We will add that information to the map as soon as it becomes available.The sequence skips days when the landfall data are not available.
Efforts are under way to keep the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico from reaching birds, mammals and critical shoreline habitats, but some marine biologists worry about the effects of the oil slick and the use of chemical dispersants on life underwater. “Dispersants tend to be toxic in and of themselves but may be the lesser of two evils,” said Jacqueline Savitz, a senior scientist at Oceana, a nonprofit environmental group.


On April 20, 2010, a semi-submersible exploratory offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded after a blowout and sank two days later, killing eleven people and causing a massive oil spill th...


On April 20, 2010, a semi-submersible exploratory offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded after a blowout and sank two days later, killing eleven people and causing a massive oil spill threatening the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. The rig is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd on behalf of BP, which is the majority owner of the oil field. The company originally estimated the size of the leak at about 1,000 barrels a day but later accepted government estimates of a leak of at least 5,000 barrels per day (790 m3/d). On April 30, BP stated that it would harness all of its resources to battle the oil spill, spending $7 million a day with its partners to try to contain the disaster. BP was running the well without a remote control shut-off switch used in two other major oil-producing nations, Brazil and Norway, as a last resort protection against underwater spills. The use of such devices is not mandated by U.S. regulators. The U.S. Government gave the responsibility of the incident to BP and will hold it accountable for costs incurred in containing the situation. On May 11, 2010, Congress called the executives of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton to a hearing regarding the oil spill. When probed for answers regarding the events leading up to the explosion, each company blamed the other. BP blamed Transocean who owned the rig, who then blamed the operators of the rig, BP. They also blamed Halliburton, who built the well casing. Scientists have been requesting the right to monitor the amount of oil that is actually being released per day, but "'The answer is no to that,' a BP spokesman, Tom Mueller, said on Saturday, May 15. 'We're not going to take any extra efforts now to calculate flow there at this point. It's not relevant to the response effort, and it might even detract from the response effort.'" Steven Wereley, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University, analyzed videotape of the leak using particle image velocimetry and estimated oil flow rates at between 56,000 to 84,000 barrels per day (8,900 to 13,400 m3/d), or equivalent to one Exxon Valdez spill every 3.5 to 2.4 days. A second, smaller leak has been estimated to be releasing 25,000 barrels per day (4,000 m3/d) by itself, suggesting that the total size of the leak may well be in excess of 100,000 barrels per day and became the largest oil spill in US history.


The Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean and leased to BP, caught fire April 20 after an explosion and sank. Eleven oil rig workers are missing and presumed dead. The rig, with a platform bigger tha...


The Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean and leased to BP, caught fire April 20 after an explosion and sank. Eleven oil rig workers are missing and presumed dead. The rig, with a platform bigger than a football field and insured for $560 million, was one of the most modern and was drilling in 5,000 feet of water.
Remotely operated vehicles located two places where oil was leaking from the well pipe, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The Coast Guard said there was an area 42 miles by 80 miles with a rainbow sheen of emulsified crude located less than 40 miles offshore. An oil rig 10 miles away from the Deepwater Horizon was evacuated as a precaution.
Environmentalists noted that although the sunken rig's distance from shore gives oil companies more time to keep the spill from reaching U.S. coastlines, it also means that the water is deeper, making it harder to get the spill under control. "It's good because it gives you the chance to intercept it before it reaches the coast, but it is harder to cap a well the deeper the water you're drilling in," said Aitan Manuel, an expert on offshore drilling at the Sierra Club. "It's presenting a lot of challenges to the companies."
