请帮我分析这句话!我看不懂!The goal should be to recapture in the universities and research labs much of the excitement that existed at top-rated departments in the past.请分析这句话的语法!我看不懂!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 19:23:06

请帮我分析这句话!我看不懂!The goal should be to recapture in the universities and research labs much of the excitement that existed at top-rated departments in the past.请分析这句话的语法!我看不懂!
The goal should be to recapture in the universities and research labs much of the excitement that existed at top-rated departments in the past.

请帮我分析这句话!我看不懂!The goal should be to recapture in the universities and research labs much of the excitement that existed at top-rated departments in the past.请分析这句话的语法!我看不懂!
The goal should be to recapture...much of the excitement that...
in the universities and research labs 作状语;
that existed at top-rated departments in the past 作定语.

Goal-should be to-recapture...

宾语从句,to recapture in.....in the past作为主句的宾语。从句中主干为,recapature much of the excitement。后面的that existed...in the past是修饰excitement的。至于in the universities and research labs,是表明recature的地点,在何处recature the ...


宾语从句,to recapture in.....in the past作为主句的宾语。从句中主干为,recapature much of the excitement。后面的that existed...in the past是修饰excitement的。至于in the universities and research labs,是表明recature的地点,在何处recature the excitement。
Hope this can answer your question.



请帮我分析这句话!我看不懂!The goal should be to recapture in the universities and research labs much of the excitement that existed at top-rated departments in the past.请分析这句话的语法!我看不懂! the fire destroyed millions of pounds worth of equipment 帮我分析一下这句话 看不懂 还有成分the fire destroyed millions of pounds worth of equipment 帮我分析一下这句话 看不懂 还有成分 这句话看不懂,谁能帮我分析一下~ I thought the writer to be him.请问这句话的表语如何分析?请详细帮我分析下~ 请英语高人帮我分析下面这句话的句子成分,下面这句话中哪个是主语和谓语?Bears living in pleaces where is scarce in the winter go through a period of winter sleep,or hibernation. 请帮我从英语语法角度分析以下这句话.Those who break the law will be punished. The one who offered you a job in Shanghai请帮我分析下这句话的语法, 这题我看不懂?请帮我看一下 请帮我看看我检查的单子是什么意思,完全看不懂啊?求大神帮我分析,帮我详细分析下 电气一次图有的看不懂帮我分析分析! 请帮我分析下 go by 、pass by、 go past的用法和区别 I lived in it请帮我翻一下,再帮我分析下这句话的语法 The goal should be to recapture in the universities and research labs much of the excitement that existed at top-rated departments in the past.请分析这句话的语法!我看不懂! 请帮我分析并翻译下面这句话.谢谢!The individual tasks shall be cadenced appropriately from sourcing to the Valve A event. 请帮我分析一下这句话的语法,是什么从句?句子在问题补充里.The second you think it's so late is the fastest moment. Only in this way can we learn it well.请帮我分析一下这句话 请搞语文大大的帮我分析理解一下下面这句话. 帮我分析下我的星盘吧,看不懂.