
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:54:22


What are advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
Nowadays, more and more families become rich and wealthy. They expect to send their children study abroad. However, studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages.
Studying abroad has four advantages. Firstly, it can make us more independent. Going abroad and live alone, with no relatives or friends, this will be a great challenge for us everyone. Living alone can temper our willpower and make us become more daring and self-confident. This is good for our future. Therefore, becoming more independent is the first advantage. Secondly, going abroad is of benefit to us to learn foreign language. Once you go abroad, you will have to speak and hear foreign language every day. In the course of time, your foreign language level will be excellent. This is the second advantage. Thirdly, in foreign countries, one can learn advanced technique and knowledge. As most European countries are developed countries. They have advanced science and technology. One will learn more once they go abroad. Hence, this is the third reason that going abroad is good. Finally, going abroad can broaden our outlook and comprehend a different culture. For instance, if one goes to Greece, then he will know the ancient mysterious Greek culture. This knowledge is also important and useful for us, so as far as I know, this is the last advantage of studying abroad.
Concurrently, studying abroad does also have many disadvantages. Studying abroad is expensive and not affordable to every family. Parents have to pay a large sum of money to the embassy if they want to send their children abroad. Usually, many families do not have the ability to afford such lots of money. Expensive and unaffordable is the first disadvantage. Secondly, one will have difficulties in talking with others. Many Chinese students do have this experience. Once they go abroad, soon he will feel very lonesome. Because of the language problem, they cannot talk and make friends with others. Therefore, they will be very lonely. Another disadvantage is that it is difficult for many students to be suitable with the new situation. When you go abroad, you will have to face new surroundings, new schools, new classmates and new situation. Everything is new for you. You will feel unsuitable and glam. This mood is not good for our studies, and this period is always very long. It is not for our studies. Therefore, this is another disadvantage. Moreover, because this is the first time living far away from parents, many people always miss their parents days and nights. Sometimes, because of missing, they fall into a trance. This is also bad for studies.
In conclusion, studying abroad is definitely good but it still has disadvantages. Hence, every parent should be careful and think twice before sending their dear children. So please remember, look before you leap.

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