英语翻译A common type in this category is the “facilitating payment” --- usually a smaller sum of money ----made to certain customs officials to clear cargoes.One businessman has told the story of a delivery of 10,000 bottles of sterile penic

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:00:14

英语翻译A common type in this category is the “facilitating payment” --- usually a smaller sum of money ----made to certain customs officials to clear cargoes.One businessman has told the story of a delivery of 10,000 bottles of sterile penic
A common type in this category is the “facilitating payment” --- usually a smaller sum of money ----made to certain customs officials to clear cargoes.One businessman has told the story of a delivery of 10,000 bottles of sterile penicillin at the airport of a Far Eastern country.It was apparently customary to pay customs officials about $250 upon arrival of each shipment to “get them out of the sun”.In this case,the company was not prepared to make such a payment ,so no money changed hands.The Minister of Health of that nation then ordered that each phial be opened for inspection,thereby destroying the whole shipment.
Is it possible to formulate a code of rules for companies which would outlaw bribery in all its forms?The International Chambers of Commerce (ICC) favours a code of conduct which would ban the giving and seeking of bribes.This code would try to distinguish between commissions paid for real services and padded fees.A council has been proposed to administer the code.
Unfortunately,opinions differ among members of the ICC concerning how to enforce the code.The British members,led by Lord Shawcross,would like the system to have enough legal teeth to make companies behave themselves.“It’s no use having a dog without teeth,” they argue.However,the French delegates think it is the business of governments to make and impose law; the job of a business community like the ICC is to say what is right and wrong,but not to impose anything.
In a well-known British newspaper,a writer argued recently that “industry is caught in a web of bribery” and that everyone is “on the take”.This is probably and exaggeration.However,today’s businessman,selling in overseas markets,will frequently meet situations where it is difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience.

英语翻译A common type in this category is the “facilitating payment” --- usually a smaller sum of money ----made to certain customs officials to clear cargoes.One businessman has told the story of a delivery of 10,000 bottles of sterile penic
不幸的是,在国际商会的成员之间对于如何实施这套规程有着不同意见.以Lord Shawcross为首的英国成员们希望这套系统能够有足够的法律效力规范公司的行为.他们辩称:“养一条没牙齿的狗一点用处也没有”.然而,法国的代表们认为制定和实施法律是政府的事,像国际商会这样的商业团体的职责是声明孰对孰错,而不是实施法律.最近在一份著名的英国报纸上,一位作者声称,“业界充斥着一张贿赂之网”,每个人都“难辞其咎”.这种说法或许有些夸张.但是,现在的商人将货物出售到了海外,他们会经常遇到这种情况,在商业利益和道德良心之间难以取舍.





在这个范畴的常用的一种形式是“促进支付”- - - - - -通常是一个较小的一笔钱——作出一定的海关官员为了使货物顺利。一个商人讲了关于交货一万瓶无菌青霉素的机场的远东国家。这是很显然的习俗支付海关官员到达大约250美元的每一批“要让他们出太阳”。在这个案例中,该公司没有准备好做出这样的付款方式,所以没有钱转手。卫生部长的那国著于是命令,每个被打开进行检验,从而摧毁整个装运。


在这个范畴的常用的一种形式是“促进支付”- - - - - -通常是一个较小的一笔钱——作出一定的海关官员为了使货物顺利。一个商人讲了关于交货一万瓶无菌青霉素的机场的远东国家。这是很显然的习俗支付海关官员到达大约250美元的每一批“要让他们出太阳”。在这个案例中,该公司没有准备好做出这样的付款方式,所以没有钱转手。卫生部长的那国著于是命令,每个被打开进行检验,从而摧毁整个装运。


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