
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:53:46


Brown (科林 菲尔 什 ornaments) wife died a year ago,leaving seven children all sorts of weird.Brown all day at work exhausted,back home to cope with these gremlins.Brown back and forth to find 16 any nanny,no one can cope with these shrewdness.Make matters worse,Brown domineering aunt to him an ultimatum,if he can not find a mother within a month to give the children no longer subsidize their living expenses.Brown If aunt funding is not heavily indebted,it is likely to be in jail.In this case,life in dire straits.Brown despair when one looks very ugly woman appeared in front of his house.The woman told Brown that she called Nancy MacAfee (played by Emma Thompson),and volunteered on the children's nanny.McPhee has a sense of magic,no matter how the children planned to mock her,they can not succeed.The child's prank sometimes retribution to them.McPhee careful tuning,the children chastened day by day,Brown's situation also improved every day,even the magical nanny your face is changing ...