英语:在一个句子中怎么判断某个词是介词还是连词. 例如for 请举例.还有for example为什么是副词性.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 14:14:38

英语:在一个句子中怎么判断某个词是介词还是连词. 例如for 请举例.还有for example为什么是副词性.
英语:在一个句子中怎么判断某个词是介词还是连词. 例如for 请举例.还有for example为什么是副词性.

英语:在一个句子中怎么判断某个词是介词还是连词. 例如for 请举例.还有for example为什么是副词性.
in 在里面,out 在外面,behind 在后面,beyond 在远处,across 在对面,up 向上,down 向下,等等
3、但是与介词同形的连词为数很少,常用的有 for,but,except,before,after 等.这些介词在用法上有着明显的区别:介词出现在名词、代词、动名词或动名词短语前,而 连词则出现在句子前.如:
* for,
--put the house up for sale 把房子拍卖(for 后面是名词 sale,属于介词)
--come here for finding some water 来这里找水 (for 后面是动名词短语 finding some water ,属于介词)
--He felt no fear,for he was very brave.他很勇敢,毫不畏惧.(for 后面是句子 he was very brave,属于连词)
* but
--We're all here but him.除了他我们都来了.(but 后是代词 him,属于介词)
--They would have resisted but that they lacked courage.如果不是缺乏勇气她们会抵抗的.(but 后是句子 that they lacked courage.,属于连词)
* before
--He sat just before me.他就坐在我的前面.(before 后是代词 me,属于介词)
--I must finish this letter before I go home.我必须在回家以前写完这封信.(before 后是句子 I go home,属于连词)
4、“介词 + 介词宾语”称作介词短语,介词短语可以用作名词的后置定语(形容词性),也可以用作目的、原因、条件、时间、地点、评注性等状语,作状语的时候就是副词性.for example 常用作评注性状语,因此是副词性.


百度去吧 而且,语感更重要。 不必要区分的这么详细,积累的过程中自然而然就记下来了。 给你从百度粘点吧,太多了。
 连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为4类:并列连词.转折连词.选择连词和因果连词。连词也可以分为2类:并列连词和从属连词


百度去吧 而且,语感更重要。 不必要区分的这么详细,积累的过程中自然而然就记下来了。 给你从百度粘点吧,太多了。
 连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为4类:并列连词.转折连词.选择连词和因果连词。连词也可以分为2类:并列连词和从属连词
   并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组和分句、句子。如:and,but(但是;通常用not...but...不是...而是...;可是,然而;表示惊讶,不同意等--喔,哇;用来加强语句重复部分的语气--一定;用来引入新话题--那就;常用于否定句--而不,若不;用于含doubt,question等字的否定句中相当于that--对于),or(或者,还是;用于否定句--也不;否则,要不然;也就是说,换言之),nor(用在neither之后--也不;用在no,not,never之后--也不;用在句首,句子需倒装--也不),so(因此,所以;因而,从而),therefore(因此,因而,所以),yet(可是,却,然而),however(然而,可是,不过;无论如何,不管怎样;不管用什么方法;究竟怎样,到底如何),for(因为,由于),hence(因此,由此),as well as(不但,而且;和...一样,和,也),both…and(既...又...;不但...而且),not only…but also(不但,而且),either…or(不是...就是;要么...要么),neither…nor(既不...也不...),(and)then(那么)等等。
编辑本段并列连词与并列结构  并列连词引导两个并列的句子。
  1)and 与or
  (错) They sat down and talk about something.
  (错) They started to dance and sang.
  (错) I saw two men sitting behind and whisper there.
  (对) They sat down and talked about something.
  (对) They started to dance and sing.
  (对)I saw two men sitting behind and whispering there.
  第一句:and 连接两个并列的谓语,所以 talk 应改为 talked。
  第二句:and 连接两个并列的动词不定式,第二个不定式往往省略to,因此sang 应改为 sing。
  第三句:and 连接感观动词saw 后面的用作的宾补的两个并列分词结构,因此whisper应改为whispering。
  注意:and 还可以和祈使句或名词词组连用表示条件。(or也有此用法)
  Make up your mind,and you'll get the chance.
  = If you make up your mind,you'll get the chance.
  One more effort,and you'll succeed.
  = If you make one more effort,you'll succeed.
  2)both …and两者都
  She plays (both) the piano and the guitar.
  3)not only…but (also),as well as不但…而且
  She plays not only the piano,but (also) the guitar.
  注意:not only… but also 关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否定词not 而必须倒装
  Not only does he like reading stories,but also he can even write some.
  Neither you nor he is to blame.
编辑本段表示选择的并列结构  1) or意思为"否则"。
  I must work hard,or I'll fail in the exam.
  2) either…or意思为"或者……或者……"。注意谓语动词采用就近原则。
  Either you or I am right. 
编辑本段表示转折或对比  1) but表示转折,while表示对比。
  Some people love cats,while others hate them.
  --- Would you like to come to dinner tonight
  --- I'd like to,___ I'm too busy.
  A. and B. so C. as D. but
  答案D。but与前面形成转折,符合语意。而表并列的and, 结果的so,原因的as都不符合句意。
  2) not…but…意思为"不是……而是……"
  not 和but 后面的用词要遵循一致原则。
  They were not the bones of an animal,but (the bones) of a human being.
编辑本段表原因关系  1) for
  (错) For he is ill,he is absent today.
  (对) He is absent today,for he is ill.
  2) so,therefore
  He hurt his leg,so he couldn't play in the game.
编辑本段误用  因为连词的种类非常多,有并列连词(连接并列句),有从属连词(引导复合句),而从属连词引导的从句又可分为三类:名词性从句、定语从句和状语从句。尤其应注意的是有些连词可引导不止一种从句,具有多重功能,这往往是学习的难点,也是易混点。
  1 as可引导多种从句,如时间状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句、比较状语从句以及定语从句。
  [误] Which you can see,he is always ready to help others.
  [正] As you can see,he is always ready to help others.
  [误] Do like I told you.
  [正] Do as I told you.
  [析]like是介词; as是连词,在这里作"按照"讲,引导方式状语从句。
  [误] He was reading then he was walking.
  [正] He was reading as he was walking.
  [误] As he is young,he knows a lot.
  [正] Young as he is,he knows a lot.
  [误] You don’t like him is none of my business.
  [正] That you don’t like him is none of my business.
  [误] The thief handed everything which he had stolen to the police.
  [正] The thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.
  [误] I am happy as you passed the exam.
  [正] I am happy that you passed the exam.
  [误] Go to find your watch. It’s there where you left it.
  [正] Go to find your watch. It’s where you left it.
  [析]where引导表语从句,相当于at the place where。
  [误] The place where there is water,there is life.
  [正] Where there is water,there is life.
  [误] I can’t remember in which place I met him.
  [正] I can’t remember where I met him.
  [析]where引导宾语从句,不能用in which。
  [误] How an interesting story he told us!
  [正] What an interesting story he told us!
  [析]What an interesting story!=How interesting a story!
  [误] I can’t remember the thing what he told me.
  [正] I can’t remember what he told me.
  [析]what引导宾语从句,相当于the thing that。
  5 no matter+what/who...与whatever/whoever...的区别:前者只能引导让步状语从句,而后者既可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。
  [误] I will make friends with no matter who shares my interest.
  [正] I will make friends with whoever shares my interest.
  [误] You must hand in no matter what you’ve found.
  [正] You must hand in whatever you’ve found.
  [析] 引导名词性从句时只能用whatever。
  6.whether和if的区别:两者引导名词性从句时都是从属连词,作"是否"讲,本身不作成分,此时句子中往往出现表示"不肯定"意义的一些短语,如not sure/certain,not known/decided,...is still question,depend on等。
  whether 和if 引导动词后的宾语从句时可互换,但下列情况一般只能用whether:
  (1) 引导介词后的宾语从句;(2)引导主语从句; (3) 引导表语从句;(4)引导同位语从句;(5)后面出现or not。
  [误] If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.
  [正] Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.
  7.while,when,as 引导时间状语从句时的区别:
  [误] I picked up some French words as I was having a holiday in Paris.
  [正] I picked up some French words while I was having a holiday in Paris.
  [误] We were having classes while someone knocked at the door.
  [正] We were having classes when someone knocked at the door.
  8.because,as,since(now that)引导原因状语从句时的区别:
  because引导原因状语从句时,表示直接的原因,可以回答why的提问;as只能是一种"附加的"理由,不能回答why的提问;since(now that)多表示双方都已很清楚的事实,作"既然"讲。
  [误] Because we’ve finished most of the work,let’s have a rest.
  [正] Since(Now that) we’ve finished most of the work,let’s have a rest.
  [析]表示大家都清楚的理由用since(now that)。
  9.however和as 引导让步状语从句时的区别:
  however引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter how,后面跟形容词或副词;as引导让步状语从句时,用倒装语序,即把作状语的副词或作表语的形容词或名词提前,而且如果作表语的是单数名词,前面不加冠词,也可以把谓语动词部分的实义动词提前。
  [误] As hard he works,he can’t catch up with his classmates.
  [正] However hard he works,he can’t catch up with his classmates.
  [误] A model worker he is,he remains modest.
  [正] Model worker as he is,he remains modest.
  [析]as 引导让步状语从句,前面的单数名词前不加冠词。
  [例1] You must put things there you can find them.
  [例2] I remember the time as my grandmother was telling stories to me.
  [例3] A child as he was,he looked quite calm in that difficult situation.
  [例4] Don’t make friends with such people that you think are dishonest.
  [例5] He had been admitted by Beijing University made us very happy.
  10. 两个并列连词不能连用,但therefore,then,yet.可以和并列连词连用。
  You can watch TV,and or you can go to bed.
  He hurt his leg,and so / and therefore he couldn't play in the game.
  11. although… yet…,但although不与 but连用。
  (错)Although he was weak,but he tried his best to do the work..
  (对)Although he was weak,yet he tried his best to do the work.


英语:在一个句子中怎么判断某个词是介词还是连词. 例如for 请举例.还有for example为什么是副词性. 如何知道一个英语句子中的某个词是介词,如何判断请举例子说明, 英语中介词怎么判断 怎么判断一个词是介词,副词, 如何判断一个句子中哪个词是介词,请用例子说明 在一个英语句子中,该怎么辨别句子中出现的到底是动词不定式还是不及物动词后要加介词to? 英语中某个市在某个省用什么介词?是用in还是on还是at, 英语中介词.动词在句子里怎么用? 英语中在某个球队用介词in还是on? 咋看 to 在一个句子中是介词还是不定式符号?或者说:如何判断to后接动原还是ing? to 作为介词时的用法什么时候to作为介词?怎样判断to在一个句子中是作为介词(to doing),还作为不定式(to do)?顺便再帮忙归纳一下初中范围内所有to做介词的短语,例如:pay attention to doing 等 一个英文单词,怎么判断某个字母是重读音节,还是非重读音节? 怎么在句子中区分like是连词还是介词? 在英语句子中要如何判断应使用哪个介词或平时造句. 在英语的一个句子中,各个成分分别怎么排列?例如 cut it up是介词夹中间 此外还有什么用法? 在英语中 介词后要用宾格 是不是介词后不一定是句子的宾语额 在c#中怎么判断一个数组里面包括某个元素 在英语中,怎么判断一个句子用need还是needn't