英语翻译消防演习执行程序一、 起火部位由安保部吹烟进行探头报警(0510房间),中控人员接报警后,通知前厅客户关系主任、工程部人员,携带对讲机、手电、消防电话,消防应急箱、灭火器

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:59:04

英语翻译消防演习执行程序一、 起火部位由安保部吹烟进行探头报警(0510房间),中控人员接报警后,通知前厅客户关系主任、工程部人员,携带对讲机、手电、消防电话,消防应急箱、灭火器
一、 起火部位由安保部吹烟进行探头报警(0510房间),中控人员接报警后,通知前厅客户关系主任、工程部人员,携带对讲机、手电、消防电话,消防应急箱、灭火器等跑步至报警点.确认火情后,立即用对讲机通知消防中控室,并进行初期火灾扑救.
二、 消防中控室值机人员接到火灾确认报警后,马上按报警程序通知总台,由总台按通知程序通知各部门和公寓领导到现场组织扑救工作.
三、 灭火程序
1、 安保部:值机人员用对讲机通知警卫值班人员,同时报告安保部经理.由值班人员用对讲机通知各岗人员做好疏散准备,并进入戒备状态.公寓义务消防员(李晖、聂兴华、高敬实、刘超)从消防通道立即赶赴火灾现场,立即衔接铺设水带,强切非消防电源后,立即使用消火栓水进行扑救.
2、 工程部:当值人员接报警后,立即通知水泵房、配电室、直燃机房,有关人员待命就位,现场工程人员切断起火区域电源.
四、 疏散程序
1、 安保部
a) 中控值机人员启动相应的消防设施,火场总指挥到中控室时,值机人员必须当好总指挥的参谋工作,密切保持与火灾现场的通话联系。同时接受消防指挥调度中心对火场状况的询问。现场消防人员协助组织灭火,同时启动紧急广播系统,由总指挥宣布进行火灾紧急疏散通告。广播方案:首先分区广播,由起火层开始,在由起火层上层和下层广播,根据火势发展逐层向上广播,再逐层向下广播。广播内容:“女士们,先生们,现在大楼内部发现火警,我们已经控制了火情,但是为了您们的安全,请您们立即从最近的紧急安全出口撤离到公寓门口集合,按照疏导工作人员的指示进行。”安保部各岗人员接到紧急疏散命令后,严密把守各个出入口,无关人员不得入内。
b) 车场人员负责保证车道、车场的畅通,协助警卫人员疏散住客、车辆,并到路口为公安消防队指引方向,清理疏散外围车辆,维护外围秩序。

英语翻译消防演习执行程序一、 起火部位由安保部吹烟进行探头报警(0510房间),中控人员接报警后,通知前厅客户关系主任、工程部人员,携带对讲机、手电、消防电话,消防应急箱、灭火器
First,the fire site by the Department of Safety and Security to probe blowing smoke alarm (0,510 rooms),in control after receiving the report,notify the customer relationship Lobby Director,Engineering Department,carrying a walkie-talkie,flashlight,fire calls,fire emergency kits,extinguishers running to the police point.Confirmed the fire,immediately notify the Fire with a walkie-talkie in the control room,and initial fire fighting.
Second,the value of fire in the control room received a fire crew confirmed the report,according to the police immediately informed the procedures Taiwan by the Taiwan notified by the notification procedures of the departments and apartments leading to the scene of the fighting work.
Third,fire fighting procedures
1,the Department of Safety and Security:value crew used a walkie-talkie to inform security personnel on duty,while the Department of Safety and Security Manager.By duty officers used a walkie-talkie to notify the staff Kong evacuation preparations,and on the alert.Firemen apartment obligations (Li Fai,Ye Xinhua,King is high,Liu Chao) from the Fire Services channel immediately rushed to the scene of the fire immediately convergence with the laying of water,non-fire-power cut immediately after the fire hydrant water used to fight the blaze.
2,Engineering:Officers from the police on duty immediately informed after the pump room and distribution room,direct combustion engine room,the staff on standby in place,the scene of the fire officers cut regional power.
4,evacuation procedures
Evacuation is a very difficult task,therefore,is to calm,calm,orderly,all employees in their work area to guide guests calm and orderly withdrawal from the apartment fire safety exits outside the security zone,when the fire difficult to control ,from the highest responsible person at the scene ordered to dial "119" emergency,the entire staff into the emergency evacuation status,a Department of Safety and Security staff to meet the public security,fire brigade apartment fire truck arrived.Security guards opened the evacuation of the exports,according to the evacuation programme implementation.