还有一个星期我就要考雅思了 作文方面急需提高 望雅思大神帮忙改改我的小作文 table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.  Summarise the information by s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:31:29

还有一个星期我就要考雅思了 作文方面急需提高 望雅思大神帮忙改改我的小作文 table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.  Summarise the information by s
还有一个星期我就要考雅思了 作文方面急需提高 望雅思大神帮忙改改我的小作文
table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.
The table gives a breakdown of how much consumers spent on different items among five countries in 2002.
We can see that food,drinks and tobacco were the main expenditures.In particular,Turkey took up 32.14% of the expenditures.,which was the largest among the five countries.Ranking next was Ireland,with 28.91% of the total expenditures .And the spending in other three countries were all below 20%.
As for clothing &footwear.Italian people may prefer to spend more on dressing(9%).This was followed by Ireland,Spain and Turkey(all at around 6%).The consumption of dressing in Sweden accounted for the smallest proportion(5.4%).
Additionally,consumers among these 5 countries spent rarely on leisure and education.Only 4.35% people’s annual payment in Turkey was into both fields.And the remaining three countries were wholy under 4%.
Conclusion can be clearly reached that among these 5 countries,Irish people tend to spend more on food,drink and tobacco,which tend to be the most popular category of consumer expenditure in the 5countries in 2002.

还有一个星期我就要考雅思了 作文方面急需提高 望雅思大神帮忙改改我的小作文 table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.  Summarise the information by s
spent rarely is not an appropriate expression.spent little or very little spend meagerly
Other than that,this short essay deserves to be marked at 7 or above

还有一个星期我就要考雅思了 作文方面急需提高 望雅思大神帮忙改改我的小作文 table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.  Summarise the information by s 我还有两个月就要考雅思了,雅思写作方面的问题.雅思写作字数方面都有什么要求呢?是字数越多越好么? 英语六级作文模板,因为英语六级还有一个星期就要考了, 还有一个星期考雅思,现在怎么练习作文和口语(考过的来 还有一个星期我就要考BEC中级了,我复习也蛮久了,希望各位高手能给些建议,最后这个星期应该注意些什么. 英语三级要准备什么啊?还有两个星期就要考了,我基础很差的 我还有一周就要考雅思了 我该如何准备一下 大家提提建议 雅思四分怎么考,我只有两个星期了, 我还有一个月就要考雅思了最好准备哪些书呢?还有要怎么复习才最好,我想要6分就好.我上高二了,想一次考过这样我就能去国外读书了. 我还有一个星期就考托福了,求一个快速提高的方法-- 我还有20多天就要考雅思了 现在听力根本听不懂 有什么办法能快速提高吗? 我还有几天就要考雅思口语了,我四级才考了355分,可是家里和学校必须让我考雅思,有啥办法可以让我应付雅思口语呀! 雅思还有一个月就要考了怎么办,我去年拿过一次4分,(听力4,写作3.5,阅读5,口语4)现在都不知道自己能不能上4分,后来有事就把雅思落下了,今年要过5分,10月份就要考了,还来得及吗能不能找 我5月份就要考雅思了,南昌哪里学雅思提高的最快啊! 急需借物喻人的作文500字救命,下个星期就要交了>_ 两个星期提高英语六级的方法我还有两个星期就要考英语六级了,可我觉得自己复习的不好,我如何利用剩下的两个星期提高成绩呢?麻烦哪位高人提点高招. 我四级431分,这个水平需要多久才能达到雅思5.我想知道刚过四级的水平离雅思5.5还需要努力多久?我还有不到一个月的时间就要考雅思了,不知道能不能考过去 求GRE作文两个星期准备计划我GRE临时报的还有两个星期就考作文了,要求不高,3分左右.