对“失败的看法”写150字的短文 用英文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:59:13

对“失败的看法”写150字的短文 用英文
对“失败的看法”写150字的短文 用英文

对“失败的看法”写150字的短文 用英文
Failure is the mother of success. Sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to reach the successful finals. While others might succumb to failure, they tend to retreat and give in their efforts. Success often provides confidence and satisfaction, nevertheless failure companies with bitter, saddness, and suffering. It seems people have to learn through each experience, as success doesn't always falls from heaven.
Of course,success brings confidence and victory. But, life is not always easy and comfortable. There are more difficulties than eases in the real life. It is likely that we have to face some failures ahead. Therefore, those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually.

对“失败的看法”写150字的短文 用英文 英语作文 关于对失败的看法失败是一个人经常遇到的.失败不是好事,因为它使人的努力付之东流.但是,失败也是好事,它可以教育我们,使我们学到更多的东西.试写一篇短文谈谈你对失败 高手帮我写篇120字英语短文题目是对英语口试的看法,什么看法都行, 谁帮我用英语写一篇关于你对未来工作的看法的短文?字数不少于100字, 求文档:用英语写一篇短文,谈谈对玩电脑游戏的看法 用英语写篇短文,谈谈对健康与快乐的看法 网上购物为越来越多的人所接受,请你结合实际,用英文写一篇大约100字的短文谈谈你对网上购物的看法……请不要出现太生僻的单词, 用英文回答对献血的看法 对初中英语语法的看法的作文英文怎么写 用英文写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处,以及你的看法和建议 孔子,对成功与失败的,看法是怎样的 英文短文.我对广告的看法.My opiniovs about ads 翻译,帮忙弄篇英语作文,对失败的看法. 你对成功与失败的看法字数不要太多 从一个白领的角度写一篇对经济危机看法的英文短文,200左右,四级水平.注意要从白领阶层切身出发 成功与失败的看法 对家长租房陪读的看法,以此写一篇英语短文 麻烦你帮我写篇英文短文内容包括:1你或你同学的留堂经历2你对留堂制度的看法3其它督促学生认真学习的办法 以这些内容写一篇英文短文 用约120词对留堂这一点进行讨论