
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:35:41


Shanghai is China's most economically developed cities. In Shanghai's tertiary industry accounted for a certain proportion of the economy, the most important industries include financial, real estate, insurance and transport sectors, and so on. Lujiazui in Pudong New Area of Shanghai is emerging financial centre, Shanghai People's Bank of China headquarters in August 2005 inaugurated in Shanghai, the main function is to manage open market operations. Global 500 companies in Shanghai have been part of the establishment of the China headquarters, branches and offices. Shanghai has become China's highest tax rate of the city, Shanghai has always paid the tax to Chinese half of the total tax.
Before 1949, in Shanghai, many foreign banks and companies. At that time, Shanghai is China's economic and trade centre. Shanghai not only to the Survey of the Central Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Agricultural Bank of China's four major banks led by the former state capital and the bureaucratic capital of financial institutions and foreign financial institutions in China. Bund gathered in the vicinity of the very strength of the national banks: HSBC Bank UK, Germany, Germany and China Bank of Yokohama, Japan are the banks, Russia, China and Russia Road wins Bank, the French Calyon, Citibank, Belgium and China, and other than banks Formed a "Wall Street East." Also has a large number of private banks operating capital, banks and trust companies (hereinafter referred to private firms Zhuang). Experienced from 1927 to 1937 "golden period" of development, before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Shanghai's private firms Zhuang company has reached 105, while the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Liberation War period, to the May 1949 liberation of Shanghai, Shanghai, the private The financial industry overall financial strength has actually greatly weakened, but there are still 119 private banks, 80 banks and five trust companies. But to the end of 1952, Shanghai, the number of private financial institutions dropped to more than 60. Early 1956, the official implementation of public-private partnerships policy, all combined for the final reunification of the total public-private joint management of the bank.
In 1949 after some of Shanghai's capitalists have fled to Hong Kong, Taiwan or other places overseas. There are also stay in Shanghai, to continue to operate. Finally in early 1956, have been public-private partnerships.
Shanghai's industrial development, the KMT government rule and the planned economy period, the level of industrial development in Shanghai has been leading the country. The early reform and opening up, as the central policy reasons, the rapid development of China's southeastern region, so that Shanghai was the marginalization of the crisis facing industry, but since the 90 years since the mid-term, with the development of the Pudong New Area, as well as financial transfer payment, and so reduce the proportion of the Reason, Shanghai's industrial and renewed a new vitality. Shanghai's industrial output value accounting for one tenth of the country, mainly in textile, heavy industry, metallurgy, petrochemicals, machinery, electronics industry-based, there are other automotive, aviation, aerospace and other industries. Zhangjiang Gaoke brought together a large number of high-end manufacturing. Agriculture accounts for a smaller proportion of the overall economy, approximately at 1.7 percent.
As land, increasing labor costs increase, coupled with the municipal government economic policy orientation and other reasons, textiles, heavy polluting industries, such as low-end manufacturing, labor-intensive industries began gradually closed down or relocated to the suburbs, the overall industrial structure and progress of Shanghai Obviously, has been formed and gradually consolidate its core competitiveness.
Shanghai's economy has been its surrounding provinces of non-economic aspects of competition. GDP growth provinces in the upper reaches of the environmental pollution, especially from the upper reaches of the Huangpu River water pollution, the development of Shanghai has become the troubled life of residents and a major challenge.
National status
Is to achieve a modern international metropolis of Shanghai, shouldering the world and serve the whole country, Linkage, "the Yangtze River Delta," the heavy responsibility of the national economic construction and social development in a very important position and role. In this land area of only 0.06% of the country, the country's total population of 1 percent of the city, completed the one-eighth of the national income, the country's total port cargo throughput of one-tenth of the total import and export commodities at the country's total Quarter.
Pudong Development
Pudong in Shanghai due to the Mother River - east of the Huangpu River named. Before the 1990s, here was a large tracts of farmland, fishing villages, economic and social development lags far behind the Puxi. In 1990 the implementation of national strategies to develop and open up Pudong, 1993, Pudong New Area, the CMC was set up formally, after 17 years of development, great opening-up, the building of the Pudong initially set up an export-oriented, multi-functional, modern framework for the new City, China Reform and opening up the window and the epitome of the modernization of Shanghai. 2006, the area of 532.75 square kilometers, Pudong New Area, household registration population 1875500 people.
Urban Construction
Major projects include the Yangshan Deepwater Port 1, the East China Sea Bridge, the Pudong International Airport, Shanghai South Railway Station, Yuejianggongcheng, Nanpu Bridge, Yangpu Bridge, Lupu Bridge, the Dalian Road Tunnel Jiang, Jiang's the rejuvenation of East Road Tunnel, and so on.
Overall agricultural production remained stable. 2006, the agricultural added value in Shanghai realized 9.381 billion yuan, calculated according to constant prices, an increase of 0.8 percent. The annual agricultural output value 23.789 billion yuan, an increase of 0.4 percent. Among them, planting industry output value of 12.337 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6 percent.
Shanghai's industrial production continued to grow rapidly. 2006, Shanghai realized 464.158 billion yuan industrial added value, calculated according to constant prices, an increase of 13% growth in 2000 than 1.2 times the average annual growth rate of 13.9 percent. Annual total industrial output value of 1.963123 trillion yuan, up 13.9 percent; than 1.7 times the growth in 2000, the average annual growth rate of 18.3 percent.
Financial sector
Shanghai an international financial center has made important progress. 2006, the financial industry realized an added value of 79.937 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6 percent. Accelerate the concentration of financial institutions in Shanghai. To the end, Shanghai has 563 various types of financial institutions, including foreign financial institutions operating 105. The end of the financial institutions to 2.645488 trillion yuan deposits, the loan balance of 1.860392 trillion yuan. The insurance industry have been developing steadily. Annual premium income of 40.704 billion yuan, an increase of 22 percent.
Real Estate
Sound real estate development. 2006, the Shanghai real estate industry realized an added value of 67.059 billion yuan, down 1.8 percent over the previous year. The real estate market remained stable. Whole area of commercial housing completed 32742700 square meters, an increase of 5.8 percent; commercial housing sales 30.254 million square meters, down 4.2 percent. Among them, domestic sales of goods 26154900 square meters, down 8.1 percent; commercial housing sales 217.708 billion yuan, an increase of 0.7 percent. Among them, domestic sales of goods 184.104 billion yuan, down 3.4 percent.
Shanghai is the major tourist cities. 2006, the tourism industry realized an added value of 69.506 billion yuan, an increase of 17.8 percent, accounting for Shanghai's Gross Domestic Product reached 6.8 percent. Improve tourism infrastructure. To the end, the city has 317 star-level hotels. Among them, five-star hotel 26; travel agent 879. Reception for the international tourism trips to Hong Kong 6056700, international tourism foreign exchange earnings of 3.961 billion U.S. dollars; reception 96839700 000 domestic tourists, domestic tourism income of 141.994 billion yuan.
Information Industry
2006, Shanghai's information industry realized an added value of 133.789 billion yuan, an increase of 17.5 percent, accounting for Shanghai's Gross Domestic Product reached 13 percent. Annual manufacturing value added information products 81.343 billion yuan, up 17.2 percent; sales of value added information products 2.491 billion yuan, up 14.9 percent; added value of 49.955 billion yuan Information Service, an increase of 18.1 percent.