
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 06:23:34


Commentary:China as a global market
BEIJING,April 25 (Xinhua) -- American airplanes,Brazilian soybeans,German equipment and Thai tropical fruits.
What do they have in common?
Increasingly large quantities of them are finding their way into the Chinese market.
More and more countries are discovering in China an ever-expanding market for their staple exports as the 1.3 billion Chinese people start to consume more,supported by rising income and encouraged by the Chinese government,which has made achieving balanced trade and boosting domestic demand policy priorities in the next five years.
Government statistics showed China registered its first quarterly trade deficit in six years in the first three months this year.
Some attribute the trade deficit to rising commodity prices,but others believe it could signify a crucial long-term trend of the Chinese economy as China gradually turns itself from the world factory floor into a major global marketplace.
Besides the quarterly trade deficit,China's overall trade surplus,long a source of friction with some of its major trading partners,has steadily decreased in the past couple of years.
Veronique Riches-Flores,head of thematic research at Societe Generale,a major European financial services company based in France,said in a report that shrinking Chinese trade surplus means the country is becoming a consuming machine from an exporting machine.
The world has a lot to gain when China embarks on a shopping spree.For developing countries,they now have an important alternative market after exports to developed countries stalled in the global financial crisis.
China became the largest trading partner and the single biggest export market of Southeast Asian countries in 2010.
A free trade area was created at the beginning of last year between China and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).Given the increasing appetite of Chinese consumers for foreign goods,ASEAN countries can expect to sell more to their northern neighbor.
For other major emerging economies,the Chinese market is also of critical importance.
The total exports of Brazil,Russia,India and South Africa combined to China recorded a stellar 52.7 percent year-on-year increase in the first quarter,reaching 33.05 billion U.S.dollars.
China,now the world's second largest economy,has replaced the United States as Brazil's largest trading partner,as it buys billions of dollars worth of Brazilian agricultural products,crude oil and iron ore.
In Africa,the Chinese market means increasing trade opportunities and something more.
Charles Robertson,global chief economist at Renaissance Capital,a Russian investment bank and research organization,noted that total trade between Africa and China was just 10.6 billion dollars in 2000,and it rose sharply to 129 billion dollars in 2010.
In Casey Anthony and Dominique Strauss-Kahn cases,lying isn't trivial
A Florida jury didn鈥檛 deliver the verdict against Casey Anthony that many Americans wanted.Instead of finding her guilty of murder,it found only that she had lied to police about her daughter鈥檚 disappearance.
The 12 jurors should be given credit,however,for delivering that critical degree of justice.In another current high-profile case 鈥 the rape charge against Dominique Strauss-Kahn 鈥 a New York grand jury was not able to detect the lies of his accuser about what she was doing after the alleged rape,according to prosecutors.
Lying to law enforcement,whether it be police,a judge,or a jury,should be seen as a very serious offense.Society survives only if people generally trust each other,in daily transactions,but especially in matters of law.
As many lying politicians learn only too late 鈥 think Nixon and Watergate,or Bill Clinton and the Lewinsky scandal 鈥 a coverup can be worse than the original crime in the public鈥檚 eye.That鈥檚 especially true in those two cases because a president appoints the US Attorney General.
Truth-telling is the essential ingredient of law enforcement.Without it,criminals could not be convicted.The integrity of the system relies on the integrity of individual witnesses,while it is the job of police,judges,juries,and forensic researchers to detect the lies of a suspected criminal.
In many aspects of life,lying is often excused,even permitted.Who doesn鈥檛 forgive the family who sheltered Anne Frank by lying to the Nazis?But in a democracy,the court of justice demands a high moral standard against lying 鈥 so high that even celebrities such as Martha Stewart can go to prison for lying on a financial matter.
Public trust of legislators and presidents is so low that we should celebrate when the third branch of government,the courts,can bring out the truth and shatter a lie.Juries are sequestered to ensure they are not tainted while judges are given exalted seats and clothed in special robes to remind us 鈥 and them 鈥 of their special role as truth detectors.A polygraph machine still doesn鈥檛 have as much weight as does a unanimous jury verdict.
Honesty holds its own special power to create a moral,law-abiding society.Those who mislead law enforcement,as Ms.Anthony did,deserve a punishment designed not only to deter them from lying again but to dissuade others from doing so.
Only then can justice be served in the case of other crimes,such as the murder of a child.