Computer games are great!They're better than TV.On TV you can watch a sapceship,but in a computer game you can fly a sapceship!Computer are bad for your health.In the past,children ran around and played sports.Now they just sit at home.A lot of chlid

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 22:16:41

Computer games are great!They're better than TV.On TV you can watch a sapceship,but in a computer game you can fly a sapceship!Computer are bad for your health.In the past,children ran around and played sports.Now they just sit at home.A lot of chlid
Computer games are great!They're better than TV.On TV you can watch a sapceship,but in a computer game you can fly a sapceship!
Computer are bad for your health.In the past,children ran around and played sports.Now they just sit at home.
A lot of chlidren spend too much time with computers.They start playing and then they can't stop.They don't talk to anyone,they just sit and look at the conputer for hours and hours.
When children play with computers,they learn to understand them.Computer are going to be very impurtant in the future.So children should play with them and learn about them.
The Internet is very useful.There is more information on the Internet than in the world's biggest library.
A lot of computer games are very bad.There is a lot of shooting and killing.These games are worse than TV.You see bad things on TV,but in computer games you do bad things.It can't be good for you.
I don't thingk chlidren learn much fron computers.They can't about life from a computer.And they can't do their homework if they play computer games all the time.
I've got friends all over the world.I've never seen any of them,but I know them all well because we send e-mails to each other.My computer is the door to the world!

Computer games are great!They're better than TV.On TV you can watch a sapceship,but in a computer game you can fly a sapceship!Computer are bad for your health.In the past,children ran around and played sports.Now they just sit at home.A lot of chlid
电脑游戏是太棒了!他们是优于TV.On电视,您可以观看sapceship ,但在电脑游戏,您可以飞行sapceship !
当孩子们玩电脑,他们学会理解them.Computer将是非常impurtant future.So中应发挥的儿童与他们了解自己的情况.
我有朋友遍world.I '没看到任何人,但我知道他们都很好,因为我们发送电子邮件给每个other.My计算机的大门向世界!

