
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:11:12
我想找一篇完型,第一句是I had never learned as much maths in my life as I did last year. 人们常用什么动物比喻目不识丁、思想陈旧的人?比喻目不识丁的人——( )比喻思想陈旧的人——( ) 比喻目不识丁的人( )比喻做事无原则调和的人( ) Who teach ( ) Computer Studies?Miss Wang does. 用适当的介词填空.1.______the morning,MIss Wang does some exercise in the yard.2.I get_______the bus at Green Road Bus Stop and get_______the bus at the last stop.3.She walks_____the supermarket_______the park.4.My brother stays in his bedroom He is very fat now翻译过来 英语翻译he is as green as gooseberry翻译一下```非常感谢了```` animals rare too china these in are are these rare animals in china?(改为肯定句) 求人物担忧,伤心的神态描写如题,本人文才不好, some of us have a singing class.为什么用singing而不是sing? She also has a singing class and a painting class on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.1、她在周二有一节“歌唱”课,周四有一节“绘画”课.2、她在周二有一节“歌唱”课和一节”绘画课“,周四也有一节”歌唱 You are my not the same as lovers not the same as =什么 与世隔绝成语接龙接5个 “在某事发生的前几天”的英文翻译 前几天,我们讨论过着个问题.---英文翻译 英语翻译 前几天,我碰巧在街上碰到我们的老校长.英语翻译 “我是最丑的 ”英文怎么说?搜索了下,有“I was the ugliest” ,“I is the most ugly”.可我觉得是"I`m the ugliest" ...到底这个英文该怎样说? 用所给单词适当形式填空 I like_____(animal) like dogs,bears and pandas. she work for a 用成语造句造句 怒火中烧 自怨自艾 揭竿而起 花言巧语成语接龙 成语接龙-花言巧语 要写一个马哲论文,该有些什么要点呢? 以资本主义向社会主义过渡是一长期的历史过程 说明理由 太空步怎样走 CF马哲和白鲨是一个人么? 立木为信,背水一战,破釜沉舟,兴师问罪,揭竿而起,三顾茅庐.这些成语的意思及来历和故事 揭竿而起 什么意思 成语接龙:弱不禁风—风言风语—语重心长—长驱直入—入不敷出—()—()—()—()—()请求专家指点