
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:23:21


1. buy buy sth from sb从某人处买某物
She bought a bag from a man
2. way in the way用.方法
Social activities never get in the way of her studies.. 社会活动从未耽误她的学习
3. trip school trip学校郊游
What time is the school trip?
4. festival 节日 art festival 艺术节
Do you have art festival in your school?

Result :结果
1.result in - 导致
Arrogant could easily result in tragedy 骄傲容易导致悲剧。
2.Result from - 源于,因为___而发生
The tragedy does not result from his failure. 这悲剧布斯和因为他的失败而引起的。


Result :结果
1.result in - 导致
Arrogant could easily result in tragedy 骄傲容易导致悲剧。
2.Result from - 源于,因为___而发生
The tragedy does not result from his failure. 这悲剧布斯和因为他的失败而引起的。
3.Result of - ___的结果
He is waiting for the result of his test. 他在等待他考试的结果
Benefit : 利益
4. benefit from 从———受益
He thought he would benefit from going to school. 他认为他能从上学中受益
5. benefit to - 对___获益
It is no benefit to me at all. 这对我毫无益处.
6. benefit in 在 __ 获益
You can definitely benefit in this project. 你一定可以在这计划得到利益
Breath: 呼吸,呼气
7. out of the breath - 从口气中,从呼吸中
You can smell what he ate out of the breath. 你可以从他呼气中知道他吃什么
8. out of breath - 上气不接下气
after running, hes out of breath. 他跑完步后,上气不接下气
Put : 放
9. put away 存放,熄灭(火灾),忍受
I need to put away all the newspaper. 我需要存放所有的报纸
10. put forward - 提出(口头)
The mayor put forward a plan for the city. 市长为了这个城市提出了一个计划
11. put off - 忍受
I'm not going to put off with that excuse. 我不会被那个借口敷衍过去的.
12. put on - 有很多解释,用在你要开始做什么事情的时候的句子
Hes has to put on some weight. 他需要增加重量。
希望能帮助到您哦 :))
