
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:13:59


The garden is beautiful because of flowers, Flowers have fertile land for growth is because they are in the garden.In the spring,peach blossom,pear flower,Chinese flowering apple,oriental cherry,China rose. are in full blossom and the garden is a blaze of colour.It is simply the sea of flowers,suffusing an exquisite fragrance all around.In the summer,there are graceful lotus,quite and peaceful sophora flowers and the secret fragrance of rose.In the fall,fragrant and sweat osmanthus, chrysanthemum braves the frost,variety colors,different forms.The winter is also lively,camellia,calyx canthus,and plum blossom are blooming braves the snow.I love flowers,because of their enchanting postures,it is also because flowers will bring us nice feeling,and make our life cheerful.We must take good care of flowers.

The garden is beautiful because of flowers, the flowers in the garden was because the growth of fertile land. In the spring, the peach blossom, pear, hitom, Oriental cherry, Chinese rose... Blossom, p...


The garden is beautiful because of flowers, the flowers in the garden was because the growth of fertile land. In the spring, the peach blossom, pear, hitom, Oriental cherry, Chinese rose... Blossom, purples, it is a sea of flowers, filled with the aroma; In the summer of elegant lotus, the quiet and beautiful pagoda and the rose hidden fragrance; In the autumn have sweet osmanthus flowers, resists the frost chrysanthemum, various kinds of color, different form; Winter is busy, camellia, contending, and the plum flower is proud snow and open. I love flowers, because their beautiful enchanting body, more because they will bring us good sense, cheerful the our life, we must take good care of your the flowers


Because the flowers garden beautiful flowers in the garden, because is the fertile soil for the growth of. In the spring, peach, pear, cherry, rose, begonia ... ... Bloom, brilliant purples and reds, ...


Because the flowers garden beautiful flowers in the garden, because is the fertile soil for the growth of. In the spring, peach, pear, cherry, rose, begonia ... ... Bloom, brilliant purples and reds, is a sea of flowers, fragrant; summer elegant lotus, quiet hops and rose fragrance; autumn sweet osmanthus, Aoshuang chrysanthemum, various colors, different forms; winter is also very lively, camellia, plum, and clubs are the snow is open. I love flowers, because their beautiful body, but because they will give us good feeling, joy in our lives, we must take care of the flowers.


Garden because the flowers beautiful flowers only fertile ground for growth in the garden. Spring, peach, pear, crabapple, cherry, rose ...... bloom, colorful, simply spend the ocean, the fragrance ov...


Garden because the flowers beautiful flowers only fertile ground for growth in the garden. Spring, peach, pear, crabapple, cherry, rose ...... bloom, colorful, simply spend the ocean, the fragrance overflowing; elegant lotus quiet of Huaihua there rose subtle fragrance in the summer; autumn sweet osmanthus, daisy of Aoshuang, a variety of colors, different forms; winter is also very lively, camellia bloom, plum Aoxue while open. I like to spend, because they are beautiful and enchanting body, but also because they will bring us a good feeling, joy of our lives, we must take care of the flowers are.


英语翻译花园因为花儿才美丽,花儿因为在花园里才有了生长的沃土.春天里,桃花、梨花、海棠、樱花、月季……竞相开放,姹紫嫣红,简直就是花的海洋,香气四溢;夏天里有优雅的荷花,清幽的 蜜蜂在花园里采密,花儿() 花园里的花儿,因为----------,更红了.请填写横线内容, 美丽的花园里的花儿( )地开了. 有花儿花园吗 什么花儿最美丽? 为什么花儿那么美丽? 根据 不要为了采集花朵而徘徊不前,因为美丽的花儿会一路盛开着 咋写作文 以“不要为了采集花朵而徘徊不前,因为美丽的花儿会一路盛开着”为话题的作文. 形容花儿美丽的成语 描写花儿美丽的词语 美丽的花儿在风中摇摆 改为拟人句 英语翻译要没有语言错误,最好可以在英文上押韵谢谢了.诗:我得窗台有一多花儿在凋谢 一片一片 一天一天花儿你的花瓣好像是眼泪美丽不再 暗自感伤其实花儿你不需要太在意花谢花开 本 我走进这座花园,蝴蝶 花儿 不要为了采集花朵而徘徊不前,因为美丽的花儿回一路盛开着 深层含义 写作文用的 怎么理解泰戈尔的“不要为了采集花朵儿徘徊不前,因为美丽的花儿会一路开着”要写作文! 根据 不要为了采集花朵而徘徊不前,因为美丽的花儿会一路盛开着. 写一篇作文. 自订立意 自拟题目 小蜜蜂在花园里【飞来飞去】 小蜜蜂在花园里【翩翩起舞】 仿写春天到了,各种花儿【都开了】 春天到了,各种花儿【?】